Sunday, April 15, 2018

4.15.18 - Anniversary weekend continued

So after our down time yesterday evening, we went to an Irish pub called Stout's in downtown Santa Rosa. We got there around 9 p.m. for dinner, which is fine with me because we'd been eating all day and I was only just starting to have room for more food. We originally sat at a high table kind of away from everyone, but another group cleared out and so we moved to a booth in a corner where we could people watch, which was much better. I got bangers and mash and some kind of pineapple cocktail, and Jack got shepherd's pie and an IPA (after which he reminisced about how he hated IPA when he first moved to California and now he loves it).

We took our time and talked about basketball versus baseball versus football and how difficult it is to cheat and how often play gets stopped to figure out rule breaking. As it got later more younger people came in and we watched people flirting (successfully or not) and talked about how glad we were to not have to worry about that anymore. Just as we were getting the check management turned the music WAY up and switched it from kind of easy-going cover songs to more dancing/club type music. I expect 10 years ago I would've wanted to go dance, but last night both Jack and I thought it was too loud and were ready to get out of there, haha.

Top: I love the way they light up the bottles behind the bar.

So we drove back to the Air B&B (eating raspberry M&Ms on the way) and then we basically cuddled in bed and watched Jessica Jones until we passed out. I did get back up to pump and watch more Better Caul Saul (which I am really enjoying), but then I slept form about 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. totally uninterrupted! It was glorious. I don't think I've had a fully uninterrupted night's sleep since Jane was born. Now it's about 8:15 a.m. and I feel completely rested.

Picture of our room from its Air Bnb page.

[later that evening...]

Now it's 5:45 p.m. and I'm home with my two girls who I am so happy to see again. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Jack and I packed up probably around 9 a.m. and headed to Santa Rosa to Zee's Diner. It was one of the less expensive breakfast places with very high ratings on Yelp, and sure enough it was charming. He picked something savory (bacon cheese avocado omelette) and I picked sweet (French toast) so we could share each. At one point while eating his wheat toast he said "Man, bread with gluten in it is the best." Haha. We talked about our favorite parts of the trip before heading to the car to drive home.

So. Full.

After a while on the drive we were both getting sleepy, so we tried to think of engaging topics of conversation. We ended up talking quite a bit about finances and how ours will change once he finishes his degree. It was a good and probably pretty important conversation. I think things are going to change a lot for us in the next year but until we know exactly in what ways it's hard to plan for it. We also recapped all of our anniversaries to date and realized we've already had a pretty good run.

We got home with a couple hours before it was time to pick up the girls, so Jack worked on homework and I chatted with Mom while I got the apartment much more cleaned up. Even that is part of the break, really, because it's pretty hard to clean when the girls are actually home.

I was so glad to see them when Jack brought them back from Beth's. We were apart only a day and a half but I guess that's long enough to miss them, which I actually enjoy. Jane was very cheerful, rosy cheeked and cuddly. Clara hadn't had a nap and was much more irritable. But she's fallen asleep and woken back up since and now she is singing and reciting nursery rhymes to herself in the empty bathtub while Jane hangs out outside it watching her. Love those kiddos.

Overall it was a wonderful weekend and I'm so endeared to Jack for putting it together for us.

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