Thursday, April 17, 2014

So I got married - The wedding day.

The next morning I couldn't sleep. I wasn't nervous, but I was too excited. I woke up at about 6:30am (only 4-5 hours after falling asleep) and showered. Everyone else was out. Jack woke up not long after and we talked for awhile. I really enjoyed having Dave out, but it also made me appreciate any chance to get to spend time with Jack one-on-one. Normally we have all the one-on-one time we can stand because we are the only people living in our apartment, but with Dave visiting I got to see what it was like to share, haha.

Anyway, everyone woke up and started getting ready. It didn't take me long to get ready at all, and I felt surprisingly pretty considering I don't normally wear dresses or white. Ellen wanted me to put on more makeup but I didn't want to, and for the rest of the day every time I itched my eyes I was glad I didn't listen to her. :-P Jack struggled to get his tie a certain way and didn't want to ask Ellen for help (she knows how from past serving jobs) because he wanted to "be a man" about it, but he eventually gave in. Dork. The entire time we all got ready I was listening to Audra Mae's "Crazy Love," The Lumineers "Big Parade" and "Ho Hey," and Amos Lee's "Sweet Pea," all on repeat. 

"Ho Hey" lyrics, The Lumineers

While the others kept getting ready I went online and filled out our marriage license application in advance. Julie texted to ask me to let her know as soon as it was over. I asked whether she would be standing by, and she said it was all she could think about this morning!

On the way to the clerk's office Dave asked if we could get Starbucks first, and I said I'd rather get it after to make sure we weren't late (we had an appointment). Dave said something about how if that's what the bride wants, that's definitely what we'll do, and then he gave Ellen trouble for not being a supportive enough Maid of Honor to put the bride's wishes first, and they play argued about that for awhile. Actually they both made jokes the entire day about Dave being "The Best" and Ellen having or not having honor, and being a terrible maid (our apartment was kind of a wreck at the time).

On the way to the clerk's office.

We got to the clerk's office in great time and signed in. They asked whether either of us would be changing our names, and we said no. I had been slightly conflicted about that decision but in the end I am really glad I kept my original name. I feel much better about it. (A friend of mine also pointed out that it's cool they asked both of us whether either one of us was changing our name, rather than assuming I'd be the one to do it. I hadn't thought about that but it is kind of nice.)

We only waited a few minutes before they asked Jack and me to come back to a cubicle to fill out our license information. Dave and Ellen videotaped and photographed the entire process. They had us raise our right hands and swear the information we provided was correct and that there were no objections to our marriage. Dave joked (from the lobby a few feet away) that no one asked him or Ellen whether they objected, and he wanted to know when he'd have his chance. We were all sort of giggling about it, and then he pointed out he probably shouldn't be joking about it right after we swore to be telling the truth etc. Probably true. But I was glad for how light-hearted he kept everything.

We only had to wait a few minutes more before we went down the hallway to a small room with nice chairs and a cute little archway at one end. The officiant had us say our vows, and it only took about 30 seconds, but it was a wonderful moment. I was glad we looked right at each other as we said "I do." Such a quick moment, but so important. Later Dave said he almost teared up. Days later my step-mom did tear up when she watched the video. Aw.

Maid of Honor, Bride, Groom, Best Man

After the vows, Ellen and Dave signed as witnesses (all the while making jokes about who was "honorable" etc.) I texted Julie on the way to the car to let her know the ceremony was done so she could let me know when she was ready to videotape me calling and telling Mom. Meanwhile we all went to a semi-busy downtown Starbucks to get some caffeine while waiting for our restaurant to open for lunch. While there the barista congratulated both Jack and me and gave us $5 off for our happy day, haha.

We sat outside in the sunshine and videotaped as Jack called and told each of his parents. While Jack was talking to his dad he pointed out that we hadn't told anyone else yet, so Don shouldn't mention anything. Dave yelled from the background, "Yeah, don't snitch!" and Ellen added on, "Snitches get stitches." Dave thought that. was. hilarious. Julie still hadn't texted me back.

"Snitches get stitches."

Jack called Merlene, who initially asked if he was in jail! Haha. By then we were done with our Starbucks so we headed over to Magpie's for lunch. We arrived a little before they were open and waited in the car, still wondering why Julie hadn't gotten back to me. Ellen called Denny to see whether Julie was around, but he didn't know. Eventually Julie texted me to say she was waiting for Mom to get dressed, then to do this, that, or the other. We all waited in the car joking about speeches and "snitches get stitches" and the like and laughing a lot.

Finally I gave up and called Mom herself to see if Julie was around, but Mom didn't pick up. So I called Julie herself and told her just to give the phone to Mom. Apparently Julie still got it all on tape. I told Mom we'd gotten married and she screamed and laughed. It was a great reaction. Then I called Dad and Jill; Jill cheered and said congratulations, and Dad just said "Whaaaat?" but in a happy way.

By now we'd been waiting awhile and Magpie's was open. I decided to just text Neil and Everett, haha. I wrote:
Hey. So this morning Jack & I got married. So that happened. But don't tell anyone else yet, he hasn't told all of his family. Our parents & the sisters know. Oh and we're having a big party in MO on May 26th.
I further texted Neil and told him Jack and I were hoping he'd officiate. He texted me back simply saying " me." I called him, and he said he'd thought Dave had stolen my phone and was sending out prank texts. When I assured him it was true he was very excited, which was cool. He and Jack got to talk for awhile about it, and he told Jack he already feels more "Jackson-y." :)

We ordered sandwiches and a bottle of Riesling for lunch and sat outside again. Dave and Ellen and I ate and joked, and Jack joined us in between calling various fraternity brothers to ask them to be groomsmen.

After lunch we went home, changed into casual clothes, and Ellen and I cleaned up around the apartment while Dave and Jack went to buy beer, wine, ice cream, cheese, and crackers. Then we all drove into Davis with the windows down, singing along to "All Right Now," "Some Kind of Wonderful," "Fat-Bottomed Girls," and other such. We went to a park (apparently the only park in Davis where you're not supposed to drink) and sneakily poured wine into coffee travel mugs. Then we sipped and ate and played Tichu in the sun. It was so lovely.

In too short a time we had to leave to take Ellen to her shuttle back to Berkeley. As we were packing up the car I remembered to call Renata, first to wish her Happy Birthday, and then to tell her my news! She was thrilled and wished us so much happiness.

We took Ellen to the shuttle. We actually took her to the wrong spot on campus, and she almost missed it, but she ran for it and got there just in time. What a relief! We'd have had to drive her down to Berkeley otherwise.

Then Dave, Jack, and I went to the FSC, and I found Chris, Molly, and Shannon there. I announced that we'd gotten married and they all spontaneously hugged me, almost knocked me over. It was adorable. They asked me all about it, and Shannon insisted on buying pizza for everyone to celebrate. Molly and I went to a park by Shannon's house and sat in the grass and chatted for a long time. Dave and Jack went to get more beer but stayed gone, off chatting somewhere themselves.

Eventually we all met back at Shannon's and played Tichu until the pizza arrived. It was delicious, but between the wine I'd been sipping all day and other junk food, I realized I'd had too much. I ended up just laying on Shannon's floor while Dave and Shannon talked about UFOs for awhile.

Then we went home and crashed, full and happy. I finally changed our FB status and then very happily watched the reactions pour in. That's something I keep forgetting to add to my general Joy Inventory - when I post something major on FB and then people respond in real time for the next little while. In this case it was for the next couple hours.

(Click to enlarge)

While doing that we skyped with Merlene and told her all about the day and our plans for May. Both she and my mom were eager to help, which is nice.

It was really an awesome day. :)

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