Sunday, April 8, 2018

4.8.18 - Erin's Paint "Nite" birthday celebration

Today was a nice day.

Jack got up early and went to Starbucks to get some work done for a couple hours before I would leave for the afternoon. When he returned, I took the hour or so drive to Vacaville to join Erin for one of those paint and drinks classes for her birthday. It's pretty appropriate that so much of our friendship blossomed from crafting sessions and now we are celebrating her birthday with more creativity.

Most of the drive there I talked to Neil, which makes the drive go quickly and serves as good visiting time. When I got there, I found a parking spot less than half a block from the location. It had a sign for 2 hour parking only, which would have been a problem, but in smaller print the sign said "Except Sundays." Yesss.

The venue for our painting class.

Erin was already there when I walked in and she had reserved seats for her group. Sarah arrived not long after. I'm really glad she was able to make it. Vacaville is roughly halfway between us and so a shorter trip than if she had hauled all the way to my place.

Erin was kind enough to buy the tickets for the paint event, which is so sweet, and so the only cost to me was gas to get there and money for food or drinks. However I am trying to spend a bit less because this time of year there are so many birthdays and Mother's and Father's day coming up and it takes a toll on our budget. So I ordered a slice of pizza (one of the less expensive options). To my delight, the "slice" they brought me was huge! Easily as big as a personal pan pizza, just slice shaped. So that was a pleasant surprise. Later on Sarah treated me to a glass of sangria, which by the way was delicious.

It was pleasant sitting in the sunshine (indoors but near a wall of windows) between Erin and Sarah and painting and visiting. And I like the way my painting turned out--I added some stormy clouds for contrast. I think this is the third one of these types of classes I've been to, and at the end I always enjoy seeing the different twists everyone puts on their own paintings.

Erin's painting on the left, mine on the right

On the drive home I talked to Julie most of the way, which was again pleasant and made the drive go fast. It helped that there was very little traffic. When I got back, Clara was very interested in my painting and wanted to just lay on our bed and look at it, so that's pretty high praise. I showed her where the sun, clouds, sky, ocean, and beach were, and she kept pointing to each and naming them. Very sweet.

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