Monday, March 1, 2021

3.1.21 - Kid snippets: Clara is almost 6.

For the past week or two Clara hasn't been able to stop talking about how she's almost 6, which has been great. This morning she was particularly excited for us to switch all our calendars from February to March, because it means her birthday is almost here.

Tonight, just before bed, she asked me "Excuse me, Mom, but tomorrow at night I can cross off the 2 [the calendar square for March 2], and then the next morning, I will be 6?"

Me: "Yep, that's right, you will."

Clara: "And I will wake up and say [in awed whisper] 'I'm alive!' and then I will JUMP up--"

Me: "Do not jump on your bed."

Clara: "--I will RUN down my ladder and say to you [lies on her back and kicks and pumps her fists in the air] 'I'm six I'm six I'm SIX!'"

Tomorrow is her last day being five years old, and I can't believe it. It's going so fast. It's a joy to watch her grow but also sad to see her moving through young childhood so quickly. My heart is full.

Picture from earlier today trying out her lab coat from Ellen.

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