Saturday, March 10, 2018

3.10.18 - Kid Snippets

On 3/9/18 Clara was going through all her bingo picture cards and singing a made up alphabet song in the form of "[Letter] is for [noun]" such as "Z is for Zebra." At first I thought she knew the beginning letters of each word because she had heard some of them in other alphabet songs (Z is for Zebra and F is for Fish are pretty common). Then I realized she was also getting the correct first letter for words that I'm pretty sure she hasn't heard sung elsewhere, such as T is for Tree. I watched her more closely and realized she was picking up each card and looking at the word on the back (all in lower case letters) to figure out which letter each word started with! I was really impressed at her cleverness. What a smartie.

Very early this morning (3/10/18) I brought Jane into our bed to nurse. I was nursing her from my right side, meaning it was Jane, then me, then Jack in bed. He spooned me and she rested an arm across my chest while she fed, and it was just a very cuddly family. By the time Jane finished nursing and passed back out, I actually felt pretty awake, but I decided to just lie there and enjoy both of their cuddles for a quiet moment, and it was pretty nice.

Clara has realized that there are more books (the non-board "big kid" books) on the bookshelf in the living room. Now she regularly goes to the bookshelf, examines the options, and pulls a variety of books out to read. This is delightful because for a long time she wanted to read only the same 2-3 board books, and now she has moved on not only from those particular books but from board books in general. The shelf with the "big kid" books is just at her height so she can easily look them over and pull a book off the shelf. Even as I type this she is turning the pages to "One Fish, Two Fish" as she listens to a reading of it off Youtube. I really love how much she loves books.

In the last few weeks Jane and Clara have gotten a lot more interactive. This morning (3/17/18) Jane woke up about an hour and a half before Clara. I kept Jane busy mostly by holding her in my lap and handing her toys while I worked on my laptop, but it still required a lot of attention and she would get bored easily. When Clara woke up, I brought Jane into the nursery and she was so happy to see Clara awake. I put her on Clara's bed and she waved her arms up and down and made excited coos and then crawled toward and sort of onto Clara. I could tell Clara wasn't sure how to feel about it. She was kind of smiling but also pulling away. But overall she seemed happy to see Jane too. Then they both played in the nursery (separately from but near each other) for probably more than half an hour. Jane was perfectly content to entertain herself as long as Clara was also nearby. So adorable (and helpful!) I hope they grow to mostly enjoy each other's company and be good friends.

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