Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4.20.16 - Internship

I really enjoy my internship at the crime lab. We have ID badges that we scan to get into the parking lot and into the lab itself. Every morning when I scan to get access I feel glad to be a part of the lab, even if only as an intern.

I’d already applied for two different full time positions and had two interviews for one of those before getting the internship position, so I’d already had a taste of unsuccessfully trying to “get in” to the lab. Now I’m here and I’m getting to know the analysts, and it’s great. First of all I am seeing more and more what the job entails and feeling more confident all the time that I could handle this job well. Second I get to know the analysts beyond their job positions and see them as regular people I could be friends with. Being in the lab makes the whole idea of becoming a DNA analyst seem that much more attainable, both in terms of what the job actually requires and in terms of how, if others can do it, I can do it.

I also like the project I’m working on for my internship. For now it’s mostly data entry, which is simple enough, but what I’m analyzing is interesting and it’s also helping me learn more about Excel, which I really enjoy. Makes me want to make Excel tables for everything.

And it’s nice to have somewhere I need to be that’s out of the apartment. I overall enjoy the work I do for Charter, but when that was my only job I spent basically all of my time either in the apartment or at Starbucks, and that can get tedious. Now my day is nicely split between being at lab and doing Charter work, such that I don’t have enough time to get really tired of either one of the jobs. 

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