Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4.13.16 - Mom's visit

Mom came out for a spring visit to see us (especially Clara). She was very helpful. She watched Clara not only every weekday she was here, but also all afternoon and evening on the Saturday she was here so Jack and I could go down to San Francisco to celebrate our anniversary.

Because Mom babysat they got a lot of one-on-one time together, which I think is good for both of them.  She helped Clara practice balancing by holding Clara’s hands while she bounced up and down on our bed. She also held just one of Clara’s hands and helped her walk all over the place. By the time Mom left Clara was taking 2-4 steps by herself at least once daily but usually more than that.

Jack and I were pretty busy for most of the visit, but it was still nice to get to visit with Mom when I got home from lab in between Charter work and stuff. One night she bought us all In & Out (her first time having it). Another night she took us to an Italian restaurant in downtown Sacramento, where we had some really delicious pizza and I ordered an Angry Orchard in my newfound effort to like beer because it would make Jack so happy. (Not sure if Angry Orchard counts as beer, but it was not bad.)

The whole visit had really nice weather. Mom took Clara on walks outside a few times. One time Mom, Clara, and I all went to the park where Clara knee-walked through the grass and explored the playground (once the “big” 3- to 6-year olds had vacated). 

On the last evening Mom was in town we walked Clara around the apartment complex—not in her stroller, just holding onto Mom’s hand and practicing toddling around. Mom held her near some of the big tress and she examined the bark and the leaves moving in the breeze. At one point she was looking up at a very tall tree and said, twice, what sounded distinctly like “Whoaaaa.” She was also pretty happy about touching all the mailboxes and various bushes. It was a sweet and peaceful time.

Also throughout the visit I couldn’t help but notice (again) how Mom laughs so easily at all my jokes. It makes me laugh too. She makes me feel hilarious. Also funny is how once she starts laughing hard enough she starts wheezing, which reminds us both of Everett making fun of her wheezing, which is funny in itself. That happened several times.

JaMa photobooth.

On her last full day in town, I decided not to bother with Charter work and just spend the afternoon with her and Clara instead. We went to Ross and I picked up a few things for the apartment (including, at long last, a welcome mat). We went to Once Upon a Child and Mom got Clara a bunch of sleeveless tops for impending summer. Mom seems to really like getting Clara clothes and always seems happy when she sees Clara wearing the clothes Mom bought for her. Fortunately Mom and I have similar taste in what is cute on Clara, so that works out well.

For example, I love this summer shirt Mom got Clara for her birthday.

Jack was working that entire afternoon and evening, so Mom and I had a lot of one-on-one visiting time. Later in the evening after I got Clara down for bed, I went and picked up some Panda Express and Mom and I ate at the dining room and had really good talks about past relationships and how awesome Jack is and who knows what else. I’m glad we Skype so often throughout the year when we’re long distance, but it’s still hard to replace in person talks because there isn’t the technical disruption. I was glad we fit in some quality time despite a busy visit.

The next afternoon I drove her to the airport and we brought Clara with us. Mom sat in the back with her to spend more time with her before leaving. Parting ways isn’t nearly as hard now, as adults (and in a world with Skype, Facebook, and free long-distance phone calls) as it was when I was younger, but I still thought bittersweetly about how many times my family has said goodbye at airports.

We decided to park and walk in. It was really nice weather still. We stood with Mom while she checked in and went up the escalators with her to the train area (after which only ticketed passengers can go). Mom said goodbye to Clara very sweetly. Clara was mostly distracted by all the people and other things to look at. And then Mom got on a train and we went back down the escalators. <3 Hopefully Clara will go out with Jack this summer so they can have another visit in June.

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