Friday, June 27, 2014

6.27.14 - Drive In!

Ellen came up to Sacramento yesterday so that we could film a podcast together today. That went well, and created a lot of thought-provoking discussion. Then we lounged around on our laptops for a couple hours having side conversations about different FB debates we're in (that's what we do). Then we decided to go to the drive in.

One of the great things about the drive in is you can bring your own food and it's not a big deal. We went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of Diet Coke, Milk Duds, and m&m's.

The drive in plays double features, and you can see both movies for $7.50 (not bad at all). Our options were:

  1. How to Train Your Dragon 2/Maleficent
  2. Think Like a Man Too/Edge of Tomorrow
  3. Godzilla/Transformers
We went to Rotten Tomatoes and added up the review percentages for each of the pairs of movies. The third option didn't even net 100% between the two of them, haha (apparently Transformers is only getting 15%. Yikes.) HtTYD2 has 91% and Edge of Tomorrow has 90%, but Maleficent is only 50% and Think Like a Man Too is a whopping 22%. So we cheated.

Ellen and I took her car and bought tickets for HtTYD2/Maleficent. Ellen went and bought a big tub of popcorn (only about $5, compared to most movie theaters that are about $10, plus free refills). After Jack got off work he drove up and got a ticket for TLaMT/Edge of Tomorrow. Then he walked over and sat in Ellen's car with us to watch HtTYD2, and when that was done we went back to the concession stand (in the center of all the lots) and refilled our popcorn, then walked over to watched Edge of Tomorrow. 

HtTYD2 was pretty good. I chuckled a few times, though I thought the first one was better. Jack and I had seen Edge of Tomorrow already but Ellen hadn't, and she was pretty into it. I thought she'd like it. I still liked it the second time seeing it.

We got there around 8:15pm and left around 1:15am or so. I was exhausted by the end but I had a great time.

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