Not long before Calvin was born I made a FB status telling people if they wanted to come hold him for awhile I would welcome it. I think people who haven't had newborns don't really understand how helpful it can be to just take a turn holding the baby so the parent can get anything else done. Anyway, when I made the status I had two FB friends message me to say they'd be happy to take me up on it. I kept them in mind, and last week or maybe the week before when I started to feel overwhelmed with being alone in my apartment with Calvin all day, I contacted both of them to see if they were still interested. Both said yes. :)
So on Wednesday of this week, my friend Wynette came over around 1:30 p.m. to help out. She held Calvin for a bit but he actually fell asleep, so she put him in his swing and insisted on helping me with whatever I liked. So she helped me clean up and she very thoroughly vacuumed our living room and kitchen, including cleaning under the fridge. While she did that I worked on a few things in the back room. I also had a little bit of CER work that needed to be done before the end of the day. I hadn't had a chance to get to it yet, but since Wynette was around I was able to go in my room and really focus, and when Calvin inevitably woke up she took him and kept him busy so I could finish. Plus it was just nice to have her company and to be able to chat while we got things done. On top of all that, she brought presents for every person in my family: a new outfit (overalls) for Calvin, a book each for Clara and Jane about being older siblings, and a Target gift card for Jack and me. By the time she left I felt so rested and mollified with what I'd gotten done. It was a much needed break.
Impressed with Calvin's head lift. Waiting for Wynette to arrive. |
Then today Jack's former classmate Nicole also came to help hold Calvin. She was delightful. She and I kept up a conversation pretty easily for basically the whole time she was here: approximately 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. In fact at noon I let her know that Jack was going to pick up Calvin around 1:30p and she said she could stay longer. It felt as if I blinked and it was already 1p. We talked about kids, job hunting, relationships, how we each ended up with the men in our lives (I love telling those stories). And while we chatted she walked Calvin around and I cleaned, organized his dresser, baked muffins, just got all sorts of things done. It was uplifting both in having the pleasant company and in being able to get stuff done around the house, and by the time she left I felt great.
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