Jane woke up happy in her little car pajama set. While she was still in her crib I handed her the soft pink teddy bear (Erin), the elephant, and the white jingly teddy bear (Vera). Each one she grabbed and smooshed her face into. In Erin's case Jane gave her a big hug and lay on top of her. She really likes that teddy bear.
Clara usually wakes up more slowly and it's hit or miss whether she'll be in a good mood at first, but she was today. I picked out an autumnal shirt--dark blue with gold and pink leaves and flowers on it, and the gold ones were sparkly. I pointed all this out to Clara after I put the shirt on her, and she was very interested.
Instead of changing her the way I usually do, I took off her diaper and had her stand to pull up her the pull-up herself. She could use more practice. But at first she wasn't interested so she just stood there with only a shirt on giggling and turning around, and even though I wanted to be stern it was pretty cute and I kept laughing in spite of myself. After a minute or two she did go ahead and pull up both her diaper and her pink leggings. She still doesn't understand pulling up in front and back so instead she just pulls up from the front extra hard--basically to her waist--in the hopes the back will follow over her tiny butt. It's pretty funny.
Jane was unhappy when Jack put socks on her, but all I had to do was pretend my fingers were feet walking toward her and then tickle her once or twice and she giggled and forgot all about it. I started to do the same to Clara, who always perks up if I'm tickling or "getting" Jane, but as soon as I turned toward Clara she giggled and RAN out of the room into our bedroom and shut the door. Haha.
I went to get Clara's shoes and called for her to come but them on to no response. I went to look for her and didn't see her in our room but then she wasn't in the nursery. I went back and double checked the back of our walk in closet, where she often stands in my long shirts and dresses, but she wasn't there. Then I realized she was just lying quietly on the floor on Jack's side of the bed, waiting to be found. When I found her I asked her to get up and she jumped up and announced that she is a kangaroo and hopped around a bit. She came into the living room without trouble and let me put her shoes on. I also picked out a pullover hot pink and black jacket for her made of nylon, and I have to say she looked fabulous. I should've taken a picture.
Normally I carry Jane out the door but today she toddled out on her own. She hesitated when we got to the stairs so I picked her up. Yesterday she had noticed the moon in the early morning sky so today she was looking for it and of course found it immediately. She pointed to it and said "Ah!" "Yes, there's the moon!" "Mooo!" Then she saw a cat walking by in the parking lot below. I said "Oh it's a kitty! Meow!" and she grinned really big and cooed. Then she went back to pointing out the moon and some birds flew by. Geese, I think. I said "Oh there's some birds, tweet tweet!" and as they flew away she said "Bye dada!" (That's how she says goodbye to everything.) She repeated it a couple times in her sweet little voice, so cute. I can't stop kissing her cheeks. She just ignores me.
I put her in her car seat and shut the door and she looked a little bummed. So I breathed on the cold window and drew a smiley face, something I don't think they've seen before, and both she and Clara were impressed, lol. When I went around to say goodbye to Clara and shut her door, she asked "Window? Smile?" So I did the same on her window and she was excited.
Love these kids.
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Pic at Beth's after Clara arrived from a home evaluation. |
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