Friday, July 7, 2017

7.7.17 - CO July Trip - Arrival

(Written 7/16/17)

Early this year, Dad suggested we come out to visit on or near the 4th of July. I was hesitant because I knew I'd be traveling with a two-year-old and a baby less than two months old. But when I learned that Jack really wanted to go, and when Dad suggested we stay at the ranch house (plenty of space, less issue with the girls being loud in the night) and that Miss Kristin help watch them, it seemed more doable.

The girls were really as cooperative as I could expect on the trip out. Our Uber driver was cheerful and had a big car with lots of trunk space (thank goodness). This was also our first real test of the double stroller Dad and Jill got me for my birthday, and it was fantastic. So much easier knowing Clara can't run off, plus it's large enough to carry several of our smaller bags.

Clara was her cheerful, inquisitive self at the airport. Jane started fussing as we were walking to the gate, but I was able to sit off on my own and feed her without much trouble, which was nice. Jack and I enjoyed our homemade gluten free bacon egg muffins as a late breakfast.

Jane slept almost the entire flight, and when she did wake up she just fed and then relaxed. Couldn't have asked for an easier time with her.

Clara did well too. She fussed a bit when she had to wear her seat belt, but the Kindle got her through. I had gone ahead and splurged the night before on the Pango Playground app (a whopping $3, but it's the first time I've paid for an app), and it was well worth it because basically everything she touches in that app does something. Keeps her busy quite a while. Plus the app has pleasant background music. Nothing too grating, like so many kids apps. Yes, we are big fans of Pango Playground.


Neil picked us up, which was nice because he was only going to be in CO through Sunday, so we got a decent amount of time visiting with him on the drive back. Plus we hit some bad traffic, and I have to sit in bad traffic I'm glad the driver is Neil, who is both more patient than most and more humorous in his impatience. The girls slept most of the way, but at one point Jane did wake up and need to eat, so we just pulled over and I fed her while we all visited some more.

Sleeping most of the way.

When we finally got back to Tejon, Henry, Jill Rocket, Sola, and Harrison all came out to greet us and help us move our bags inside. Miss Kristin was there and ready to watch the girls, but I wanted to give Clara a little time to acclimate before we took off for dinner. She seemed to fit in pretty quickly and happily, and to my delight all those home videos of the family seemed to help, as she knew Everett, Neil, Papi, etc.

So all the adults left for dinner at The Warehouse. I enjoyed talking mostly with Dad, Jill, Neil, and Emily, but also with Neil and Jack. Ellen and Everett were at the far end of the table from me, and while I didn't get to talk to them as much, I enjoyed watching them quote things like Tommy Boy in unison. I was roamer, which almost always ends up being the right decision as I get to try all the food and we usually still have food leftover anyway.

Grungy outside, pleasant inside.

Then Jack and I (and Henry in his own car) drove the 40 minutes or so to the ranch, where we were staying. Jill had very thoughtfully already bought a pack'n'play, a baby swing, and a whollle bunch of gluten free food for us and had it sent up there. We set up a mattress with soft pillows and blankets in one corner of the master bedroom, and we put the pack'n'play next to the king-sized master bed, and there was still plenty of space because the room is so large. I let Clara watch the beginning of 101 Dalmatians while Jack and Henry unloaded the cars (which were filled with supplies for field day the next day, mostly chicken and ribs). They kept an eye out for bears.

I got the girls ready for bed: put Clara in PJs and a night time diaper and we brushed teeth. Put Jane in PJs too. Despite warm days it was actually a little chilly at night; I was glad I'd brought footie pajamas for Jane. I got Clara to sit in her new bed with her animals (Bobo, Owl, and Elmo). I then turned out the lights and sat on the master bed to give Jane her last feeding.

In the darkness I could just make out Clara very silently coming up to the foot of the master bed and putting her Marauder's map blanket and animals on the bed. Jack told her no, she needed to stay in her own bed, and she went back without much fuss. When I finished feeding Jane, I moved the laptop I'd been watching so I could put Jane in her pack'n'play, and there was Clara, standing again at the foot of the bed, in the dark, silently staring at us, with her blanket and animals back on our bed. It was creepy and also kind of adorable. We decided to let her share the bed with us for the first night (since it's king sized it's not difficult to share with a toddler). She mostly seemed to want to sprawl across Jack (lucky me). And so ended the first day of our trip.

This pic is actually from the next morning, showing our cozy sleeping arrangements.

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