Friday, September 2, 2016

9.2.16 - Hell or High Water date night

Mom is in town for her fall visit, and tonight she babysat Clara so Jack and I could go on a date. We decided to go to the movies since we don't normally get to, and Mom recommended Hell or High Water, which Rotten Tomatoes confirmed had very high ratings (98%). I had never heard about it and only knew that it was highly rated and had Jeff Bridges, Chris Pine, and Ben Foster. (I really like Jeff Bridges; he will always be The Dude from Big Lebowski.)

Turns out Hell or High Water was only playing at Tower Theater, which is kind of the indie movie theater around here. Jack and I had been there just once before, to see The Grand Budapest Hotel, and that movie was excellent.

I really like Tower Theater. It has red neon lights lining the oustide with a big open entrance with all its movie posters.

Then it has a smaller lobby with a tiny concession stand where, by the way, they still do free refills on large sodas and popcorn. Used to be every theater did that but now Tower is the only one I know of that does besides the drive in. So we ordered a large Diet Coke and large popcorn with butter, and it was as delicious as it always smells when you walk in.

Also Tower's tickets are slightly cheaper than other theaters and, most importantly of all, Tower has steep stadium seating. The nearest theater to us has the lame barely inclined nearly flat seating; Tower is the opposite.

So we got there in plenty of time and we sat and chatted before the previews. They only played one commercial besides the previews--another advantage over the theaters that play a bunch of commercials and "First Look" nonstop talkin as soon as you walk in. The whole Tower Theater experience feels a lot more like theaters when I was a kid and teenager.

The movie was good too. A lot of great lines and several particularly good scenes, including an awesome punch in the face scene. Jack and I laughed several times, and the women behind us laughed a lot too, which kind of made it seem funnier. Then for a minute there I thought it was going to have a really depressing ending but it wasn't as bad as I'd feared. It was a really enjoyable date.

When we got home Mom told us that Clara had been lying on the floor drinking a bottle, but when she heard our voices outside the apartment she quickly jumped up and smiled and started stomping facing the front door. So that's pretty cute too.

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