Thursday, March 5, 2015

3.5.15 - Joys over meeting Clara

I don't have the time (or energy) to record all the details of the amazing experience that has been birthing (well, delivering) Clara and finding a rhythm with her over the last few days. Instead I will make a quick list of joys I'm grateful for:

  • Clara's health, and mine, even after a last minute C-section
  • The staff at this hospital, who have been incredibly friendly, positive, and encouraging. The nurses, lactatian consultants, doctors, residents - everyone has encouraged us and told us what good parents we are as we try to figure all this out for the first time.
  • Jack, above all Jack. He's done a tremendous amount of work taking care of not just Clara but also me, especially while I was bed ridden during the epidural and post-surgery. He stays upbeat and positive, and is just taking tremendously good care of both Clara and me.
  • Also, I love having my meals brought in by someone else and not having to worry about it.
  • I've really enjoyed making post after post about Clara since I went into labor and seeing everyone's excited feedback on Facebook.
  • I'm glad I'm allowed to eat solid foods again.
  • I'm grateful to the point of bewildered over Clara. I don't think I've fully internalized yet that she is my daughter, as opposed to someone else's baby that I get to watch. I can only imagine how her personality will unfold as she gets older. Can't wait to see!

1 comment:

  1. Move back to Missouri! Malcolm and Clara are almost exactly 6 months apart! They could be best buds! We could have play dates and swap babysitting! DOOOO EEEEET!
