Monday, February 23, 2015

2.23.15 - Jack's breathing machine

Jack has done a couple sleep studies to find out why he snores so intensely and gets such unsatisfying sleep. They think he has sleep apnea and last week they lent him a trial breathing machine to see if it helped. It's been wonderful! Not only does he not snore at all anymore, he wakes up rested and alert even after 6 hours or so (as opposed to before when he could sleep nearly 10 hours and still feel exhausted). Today he woke up energetic and we cleaned the apartment together and then finally did our video tour of the whole thing. I love getting stuff done with him, and it's much easier when he's not tired all the time. I hope we can get a permanent machine soon (and I hope insurance helps cover it!)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2.22.15 - 2nd Hospital Tour

Yesterday morning Jack and I went for a hospital tour of the Kaiser women and children’s department in Roseville. I’d been on the tour before but I wanted Jack to take it before Clara is born so he knows where everything is already. We got to see how to drop off the laboring mom, how the guy should check in and get past security, where triage, labor & delivery, and postpartum areas are, and so on. It’s a really nice hospital, new and well organized. Jack was impressed with the size of the labor rooms (as was I when I first saw them).

There were maybe 10 couples total taking the tour. I noticed Jack was one of the more physically affectionate of the guys, and I thought that was sweet. He kept rubbing my tummy or the back of my neck or holding my hand. Asking me if I needed to sit, and helping push me up when I got up from sitting. He was just a sweetheart the whole time, and he seemed very excited about the entire thing.

On a related note, every time we run errands now, when we get home he won’t let me carry anything into the apartment. He grabs all of the bags (groceries or whatever else) himself even when it’s ridiculous, and as I’m slowly waddling to the apartment he runs past me laughing maniacally. He calls me a sucker and says he wins, it’s pretty hilarious. Walking up stairs 39 weeks pregnant is tricky enough but it’s trickier when you’re laughing.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2.11.15 - ECV

This morning Jack and I (and Clara) went in for the ECV. I’ll cut to the chase: it went great. The procedure itself took less than two minutes and didn’t hurt too bad. But backing up…

Before we even left several friends (Renata, Molly, Erin) contacted me to tell me they were thinking of me or praying for me or to wish me good luck. It was comforting.

Jack drove us. Everything feels more tiring now so I like it that Jack likes to drive when we’re together. We left 45 mins in advance even though it’s only supposed to be a 20 min drive, and I’m glad we did because we got a little lost for a min and still got there before 9:30am with time to check in.

I changed into a hospital gown and Jack joined me (he’d been at admittance). They set up a fetal heart monitor and a heart monitor for me. The doctor came in and introduced himself and he was very chill and easy to talk to. He did an ultrasound and confirmed Clara was still breech. He showed me how hard he’d be pressing on my abdomen most likely, and it didn’t seem that bad at all. I was relieved.

Then a nurse (named Julie!) came in and set up and IV for me. It was strange to feel the cold sensation going up my arm. I’ve never had an IV before. She also gave me a shot of medicine to relax the uterus. They said the medicine would make my heart speed up but it never felt like it did.

We had to wait 20 minutes for the medicine to kick in, plus they have to monitor Clara’s heartbeat 20-40 minutes before the procedure for a non-stress test. Anytime Clara kicked or moved her heart monitor made loud whooshing sounds. It’s amazing how much the auditory part enhanced the feeling of the kicks, and Jack and I kept smiling and laughing. She was getting super active leading up to the procedure, which apparently is good because it makes it easier to move her.

Eventually the doctor and a nurse came in. They put by bed all the way back and then confirmed via ultrasound where Clara’s head and heart were, etc. The nurse told me to take deep breaths if it got uncomfortable. She said she had had an ECV done successfully and deep breaths helped. I also found that reassuring.

Anyway so they finally got started. I was fairly nervous. Jack held my hand. The doctor put one hand by Clara’s head and another by her bottom and started rotating her. It mostly just felt like odd pressure, but then it did start to hurt a bit. But she basically cooperated with him and in less than two minutes she was head-side down! So whatever pain there was wasn’t that bad because it was so brief. Ha!

The nurse re-set up the fetal heart monitor and we had another 20-40 minutes of tracking Clara to make sure she was not in distress or anything. Jack reckoned she’s more comfortable now that her head has a bit more space. The nurse brought me ice water and grape juice which Jack basically served to me because I had IVs and things on both my hands, plus I was at a weird angle. It was really sweet of him. He also texted all of both of our immediate families to let them know the procedure went well.

It didn’t seem like long before the doctor came back in and said we’re good to go. Jack helped me sit up and get dressed. He even put my socks on for me. He’s such a sweetheart, so eager to be supportive. We listened to cheerful music on the way home and then I made us lunch as he got ready for work. He was very upbeat, singing in the shower and hugging me a lot. J

I also got a lot of support from my dear FB community again, which always makes me feel good!

Later in the day Dad called to check in and see how everything went, which was nice. I told him all of the above and we talked about what it will be like to go from no-kids to a kid (compared to having one kid to then two, etc.) It's all very exciting!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2.10.15 - Clara's going home outfit

Tonight I put together a hospital bag so we can grab it and go if/when I go into labor. I included an outfit for Clara to wear home from the hospital: a newborn onesie with ducks on it, newborn pants with horizontal yellow and white stripes, some little socks, and the hat Merlene gave me that Jack himself wore home from the hospital as a newborn. I showed Jack all these tiny little clothes packed for Clara, and he laughed and was delighted. I’m so happy about how happy he is about all this. Plus it is cute to imagine that even these tiny clothes might seem big on her at first, haha.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2.5.15 - Mommy2Mommy

Today I'm grateful for the Mommy2Mommy group I'm in on Facebook. It's a secret group, which, in the Facebook world, means that no one can see it except the people in it, and no one can see what you post in it. This morning I had a checkup but my doctor was out sick, so I saw a midwife I've never seen before. One of the first things she asked is why I've gained so much weight in my pregnancy. I explained my doctor has previously told me not to worry about my weight unless she tells me to, and she hasn't said anything so I've tried not to worry. The midwife seemed to disagree and talked to me about how I could slow my gain. The conversation made me feel very bad (though I don't think that was her intention) because I already feel awkward and unattractive and gross as is.

However, I posted about it in the Mommy2Mommy group and got tons of support. As of now over 60 comments from women explaining they gained as much or more than I've gained in their pregnancies, and their doctors weren't worried about it, and they were able to lose the weight post-birth within different time frames. Many women encouraged me to listen to my doctor, not the midwife, and to rest assured that, as long as my blood pressure is good and I don't have other medical issues, the weight gain isn't cause for alarm--my body is doing what it needs to for the pregnancy.

I've been reading the comments as they keep coming in for the last 9 hours, and it has made me feel very supported and normal and reassured. So I am really grateful for that group.

Each of my parents and Jack were also reassuring, so that helped. I'm really glad to have so much support.

Monday, February 2, 2015

2014 Date Nights

  1. Jan 8 - Temple Coffee & Tea
  2. Jan 13 - American Hustle
  3. Jan 20 - Frozen (drive-in)
  4. Jan 27 - Sushi Unlimited
  5. Feb 5 - Izakaya
  6. Feb 10 - Leatherby's
  7. Feb 17 - Chicago Fire Pizza
  8. Feb 20 - Elephant Bar
  9. Feb 26 - BreadCo
  10. Mar 7 - Ju Hachi
  11. Mar 13 - The Rink & Farrell's, very nostalgic
  12. Mar 18 - Elephant Bar
  13. Mar 24 - In & Out and Grand Budapest
  14. April 5 - Starbucks and walk around Capitol Park
  15. April 14 - GOT MARRIED
  16. April 21 - Elephant Bar
  17. May 15 - Neighbors (drive-in)
  18. May 19 - Sushi Unlimited
  19. May 30 - Elephant Bar
  20. May 31 - In & Out
  21. June 6 - X-men: Days of Future Past
  22. June 11 - Sterling Bridges (gastropub)
  23. June 18 - Edge of Tomorrow (only ones in the theater!)
  24. June 19 - Yogurt Agogo
  25. June 28 - Sterling Bridges
  26. July 12 - Leatherby's
  27. July 15 - Burgers & Brew
  28. July 30 - Farell's
  29. Aug 13 - Starlite Lounge
  30. Aug 18 - Yogurt Agogo
  31. Aug 21 - Guardians of the Galaxy
  32. Aug 27 - 3 Fires Lounge
  33. Sept 10 - Arthur Henry Supper Club (with Mike and Shannon)
  34. Sept 12 - Gunther's
  35. Sept 18 - Burgers & Brew
  36. Sept 28 - Starbucks hot chocolate
  37. Oct 2 - Burgers & Brew
  38. Oct 5 - BreadCo
  39. Oct 9 - Elephant Bar
  40. Oct 15 - Starlite Lounge
  41. Oct 22 - Burgers & Brew
  42. Oct 26 - Gunther's
  43. Nov 9 - The Tea Cup House
  44. Dec 3 - Sawasdee Thai food
  45. Dec 8 - In & Out and Mockingjay pt 1
  46. Dec 10 - Cheesecake Factory (celebrate my health)
  47. Dec 11 - Elephant Bar