Tuesday, May 18, 2010

5.18.10 - Starting work in the lab

I've had at least two nightmares involving me thinking I was done with finals only to find out that I still have to take my P chem final and I haven't been studying for it. It's great to wake up from those and remember that, no, I am done with the final, and moreso, I got an A in the class. I guess my subconscious just refuses to believe it.

I started my new job working in the Cate Lab yesterday. My superior taught me to make a few gels and buffers yesterday, and went through some basic procedures involving the sonicator and larger centrifuges. This morning I've made a few more solutions and now I'm waiting for them to fully dissolve. It already reminds me somewhat of working for the Chem storeroom at City College, and that's kind of nice. And, if nothing else, I'm making about the same amount I made working for Starbucks, but I never, ever have to deal with rude or insane customers. Or any customers for that matter. So I'm pretty happy.

Meanwhile, even with work it still feels like vacation because when I go home from work, there's nothing I have to do. I love it. Last night Jack and I made some deli sandwiches (in his new toaster oven, woot) and watched maybe 5 episodes of LOST Season 5 (I'm just now catching up). And it was guiltless, and it was great. This free time should also allow me to workout more often and finish another scrapbook, etc. I'm very pleased.

I also have my apartment to myself, at least for the foreseeable future, because my roommate went back home for the summer. She may end up sub-letting her room, which is fine with me since it would only be through mid-August anyway, but for now I'm still paying only my half of the rent and getting the place to myself *and* knowing I get the same (awesome) roommate next semester. She really is idyllic for me--we are both pretty clean and we generally stay out of each others' way, but we get along well when we do interact. Love it.

To top all of that good news off, Sarah is coming to visit. She gets in to Oakland in about an hour and a half. Sweet.

So yeah, things are going really well. Glad for the break.

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