Wednesday, September 22, 2021

9.22.21 - Kid snippets: Clara knows a joke

Clara: I know a joke!
Me: If it's about poop I don't want to hear it
Clara: Nooo! It's not about poop.
Me: Okay
Clara: I know how to spell "mouse." It's M-O-U-S. Now say "What's the last letter?"
Me: What's the last letter?
Clara: A tail!! That's a joke!!

(It's supposed to be "What's at the end?")

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

9.21.21 - Joy status: overcast and chilly, and Once Upon a Child

 It's overcast and chilly today.

This evening I went to Once upon a Child and got one new Halloween shirt for each kid. They were really excited when I showed them at home and wanted to try them on immediately. Calvin was so pumped when I put his on that he ran around the living room a couple times. Then we put on songs from Nightmare Before Christmas so they could dance.

In general I really love the last quarter of the year with all of the best holidays, and in particular I have enjoyed it more since having children and getting them excited with themed clothes and books and making decorations together and all of the anticipation of each event. It is so much fun!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Sunday, September 12, 2021

9.12.21 - Kid snippets: Clara already knows everything

The first week of school was complete and Clara still had to go back the following Monday.

Clara: How long do I have to keep doing this?
Me: Oh a long long time. All of your childhood and most of the time you are a teenager too. Get used to it because it's going to be many years.
Clara: But why do I have to go to school so much?
Me: Well there are a whole lot of things you'll learn that will help you get ready to be a grown up.
Clara: I already know what I need to know! I know math and ABCs and can read!
Me: There is actually going to be even more than that.

In other news today Jane used my mom's set of play dishes and tiny little table and chairs to make a pretend dinner for Clara and me. She even used all of her strength to pull a full size chair over for me since I can't sit in the children's chairs. Then she let us know that her and my empty plates were filled with gluten food and Clara's had gluten-free food. Then she happily poured us what she told us was coffee and we all pretended to eat together and she was thrilled.

And finally, just in the last week Calvin has started actually giving me kisses upon request instead of gleefully shouting no and running away.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

9.11.21 - Kid snippets: Ya wah-come

Calvin: Mah-eee, look!
Me: Oh you stacked the puzzle pieces in a tower. That's cool!
Calvin, very proud: Ya wah-come!

Monday, September 6, 2021

9.6.21 - Kid snippets: Clara gives trees air

I was driving the kids on the highway.

Clara: Why do we have to have so many trees?
Me: Well we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, but trees breathe in carbon dioxide and out oxygen, so it's like we're trading.
Clara: So it's the opposite!
Me: Yes.
Clara: Are the trees breathing right now?
Me: Yes. Anytime the leaves are green they're breathing.
Clara: I'm going to breathe on them to give them more air. *breathes heavily on the closed car window*