Saturday, October 31, 2020

10.31.20 - Joy status: delightful Halloween newsfeed

I love seeing all of your pictures of how you did Halloween for 2020. Love the adorable little kids costumes, the family themed costumes, the candy shoots and other clever ways to leave candy for people with minimal interaction, and just the creativity and cheerfulness in general. My newsfeed was a delight tonight. So thanks!

Friday, October 30, 2020

10.30.20 - Kid snippets - Clara hiding under the bed

The other night I put the kids to bed, cleaned the kitchen, got a bowl of cheetos and a Diet Coke, then sat on my bed snacking and catching up on some FB messages. Jack was running errands so the apartment was very quiet. After 10-15 minutes I heard a thump under the bed. I leaned over, paused for a second, and then uncertainly asked "...Clara?" and saw the bed skirt move very slightly.

Me: Clara, come out of there.
Clara, crawling out from under the bed: Ohhhh, I'm sorry about that! I just needed to go in my club house.
Me: Honey, one - you are supposed to be in bed, and two - Dad does not want you crawling under our bed.
Clara, smiling: Oh yeah, sorry about that.
She walks over to my now empty Cheeto bowl.
Clara: Hey Mom?
Me: Yeah?
Clara: When I was under the bed, I heard you eating something crunchy.
Me: Yeah, I had some Cheetos. And you can't have any. Go to bed!
Clara: Okaaaay, Mooooom! See you in the morning!

Sea-themed drawing Clara made recently.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

10.24.20 - Kid snippets - Tiktok nap

Tonight is the first time as a parent that I got a child to go to sleep by sitting and watching Tiktok with them.

Pic taken earlier same day at the pumpkin patch

Friday, October 23, 2020

10.23.20 - Joy status: a long list

Joy Inventory:

TikTok put Calvin back to sleep.
  • This morning Calvin woke up before everyone else and cuddled on the couch with me for a good 45 minutes--watching TikTok, lol.
  • My long work commute gives me time I wouldn't otherwise have to stay in touch with a lot of people I care about.
  • Last weekend I got to spend time with Neil and Ellen in person, and it was great. In fact I barely slept (relatively speaking) because I kept staying up late to talk.
  • Sarah also got to join us for lots of the weekend. I love how long she's known my family (17 years now!) and how comfortable she is around all of us even though we are so yelly.
  • Henry also joined and we played uninterrupted tichu and it was a really close game! 1005-1095 I think. I love close tichu games.
  • I felt particularly useful at work yesterday. Good feeling.
  • My office area faces a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows and this week when it was breezy leaves would flutter all around me.
  • Clara and Jane play pretend together frequently, and I'm so grateful they have each other for company.
  • Earlier this week we received some awesome kids Halloween books from Beth and several Halloween shirts, toys, and treats from my beloved in-laws.
  • We're going to the pumpkin patch tomorrow with the one family with kids who has been spending time with us these last several months. Really glad we have them to join. Apparently they are also psyched about it.
  • Next weekend we are going to "Erin's Halloween Candy Hunt," the event we've been counting down to in this house (literally, with a paper chain) since it was 45 days out. It's basically an easter egg hunt, but Halloween themed. It's going to be great, and it's entirely private so it cannot be cancelled unexpectedly.
  • Jack often calorie counts the dinners he makes just for me, so I can better track what I'm eating. Such a sweet gesture.
  • Our Director of Operations at work has decided to just...redo the office kitchen? And it's adorable. Lots of new colors and storage, backsplash, etc., feels halfway to a home kitchen. I really like it.
  • A few of my friends who have left FB over the years have created a Discord channel for a group of us to keep in better touch, and it's been a great connection and outlet the last few weeks. So glad they thought of it.
  • Last night when I pulled into my parking spot, Clara was standing in the nursery window and saw me. She started grinning hugely and as soon as I got out of the car she started shouting hello to me. Very sweet.
  • Most nights when I get home from work, I walk in the front door and there is a moment when each of the kids realizes I got home and starts beaming. Calvin usually starts bouncing up and down on his butt reaching up for me to pick him up. Also very sweet.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

10.15.20 - Kid snippets - California vs Californium

I have shown the girls a couple videos about the periodic table and then I printed them off copies of it to look at. Clara quickly realized that there is an element called Californium and now she thinks the periodic table is a map and she keeps asking me where Neil lives on the periodic table. You try explaining to a 5-year-old the difference between California and Californium.

We have a million children's toys and books but Calvin just wants to play with the kitchen trash can and everything in it.

Pic taken Oct 12, 2020 - Jack does funny voices while reading Five Little Pumpkins

Sunday, October 11, 2020

10.11.20 - Taking the girls to see Coco

The movie theaters in our county have finally been permitted to reopen, and in an effort to get people to come back around they are offering discounted tickets to see movies that are not new releases. In particular they have movies with slight Halloween themes they're playing throughout October. This is excellent because (1) it means I can take the girls to th emovies for very little cost and (2) I don't have to worry about how they will react to a movie or if there will be nexpected or unwanted content because the theater is playing movies I've seen before and, in this case, the girls have seen before.

So I spent $5 for my ticket and $3 each for Clara's an dJane's and today we went to see Coco. I didn't tell them about it until this morning just in case the county backtracked and reclosed the theaters (again). But once the morning arrived I told them, and they were very interested albeit a bit confused. Jane has never been to th emvies and Clara has been only once, so long ago I doubt she remembers. They were asking me where the theater is, and if it's a big TV, things like that.

Once it was time to start getting ready they especially got excited. They kept saying things like "I'm excited to see the show!" and "It's fun to go to the movies!" I grabbed my largest purse and filled it with the treats I'd gotten in advance: tootise rolls, Smarties, and three small bags of yellow cheddar popcorn. (This way I know everything they're eating really is gluten free.) 

As we drove to the theater Clara kept complaining that it's so far away and she can't see it. In fact it's less than a mile from her house, and as soon as the tall tower with the word "Century" was visible I pointed it out to her and she and Jane got increasingly excited as we drove toward it. After we parked we took a moment in the parking lot to put on everyone's masks, and they were alternately getting their masks on or jumping up and down in anticipation.

When we walked inside the smell of popcorn was everywhere (one of my favorite parts about movie theaters). Clara asked "What's that smell??" and I told her. I thought about buying one huge Diet Coke since that's the best deal, but I liked the idea of them each having their own little soda, so I got two smalls instead and just a water cup for me. They were psyched that they were going to have soda, especially they're own soda. After we bought the drinks I let them carry theirs down the empty hallway and they had so much commentary about the theater itself. "This hallway is so long!" "Look at these pictures of people!" [The thear has a 3D art installation that shows famous heroes on one side and their respective villains on the other.] We walked past a large movie poster for some kind of superhero film and Jane said "Whoaaaaaa!" I had them help me find theater 10 down the hallway and they half skipped half walked to it. 

When they saw how dimly lit it was they said it was too scary, but I said "It's not scary, it's exciting!" and walked ahead and they gladly followed. There was no one else in the theater at that point. We found our seats and I told them they could take off their masks to drink their sodas. Shortly after the pre-preview commericals (which I normally find irritating) started, and they were so impressed with the volume and size of the screen. They watched with rapt attention. Two other families joined eventually, but no one sitting anywhere near us. I showed the girls how to recline their chairs or put them back upright, and they were amazed.

Once the previews started I gave them each their bags of popcorn and when they were eventually done, I unwrapped candies to give to them throughout the whole time we were there. They loved it. 

The movie itself was great too. Coco is beautifully animated and pretty moving. At various points they got out of their seats and stood at the backs of the seats in front of us (no one was sitting there), or they sat at the edge of the seats or even on the foot rests. 

They laughed and pointed and exclaimed and had commentary. I glanced at them often and they were very taken. Clara was so enthralled it was often a bit of work to get her to notice I had another candy for her. Jane did wear out about 20 mins before it was over and said she was ready to go home, but when I told her she had to wait until the movie was done she handled it patiently.

The movie ends a little sadly. A major plot point involves a young girl not getting to see her dad for a long time. I think that's why when the movie was over Jane told me she wanted to see "my Dada" and Clara said she was all alone "without Dad or Calvin." Fortunately it wasn't a problem because we were heading back to see them right then. Clara asked if she could keep drinking her soda in the car and even at home, and when I said sure she was excited all over again.

I have always loved movie theaters. I remember being so excited about going to the movies as a child that I couldn't even sleep the night before. I had such a wonderful time watching my girls have a wonderful time with it today.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

10.8.20 - Joy status: Clara sees how her parents feel about each other

When I came home from work Tuesday night, Clara couldn't wait to give me this pop up card she had made. I didn't even know she knew what pop up cards were. Jack had helped her with the scissors but otherwise it was all her doing, which I think is pretty impressive. She explained it's Jack and me in a boat with a heart.

Then last night Clara was telling me how she and Jane and Calvin love me and I said "I love you guys too." She responded "Yeah AND! Dad loves you too!"

I'm grateful for my marriage in itself. But particularly as a child of divorce, I'm deeply grateful my marriage is good for the sake of my children. Clara clearly notices and cares how Jack and I feel about each other. I can't quite find the words, except to say it humbles me. And I've been thinking about it all day.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

10.3.20 - Joy status: kids Halloween books

All of the little kids Halloween books we have to read at bedtime right now. The girls love them. Some of them Jane can almost "read" from memory.

Friday, October 2, 2020

10.2.20 - Kid snippets: decorations are the cure

After work yesterday I told the girls that today we would put up more Halloween decorations. Just now Jane told me that her tummy hurts. I asked her why and she said it's because we just really need to put up decorations.

All ready for Halloween.