Tuesday, April 30, 2019
4.30.19 - April joy statuses
Clara Lynn,
joy statuses,
Monday, April 29, 2019
4.29.19 - Kid snippets: Jack's Blues enthusiasm
I was reading the girls bed time stories in the nursery. Jack was watching the Blues game in the living room. The Blues scored and Jack yelled "That's what I'm talking about!" so ferociously that Clara jumped up and ran to the living room to see if he was okay. Jane took no notice and asked for more books.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
4.28.19 - Kid snippets: Clara shouting colors
We put the girls to bed about 20 minutes ago. Just now I heard Clara's voice echoing off the apartment complex parking lot as she yelled out the bedroom window "Green! Blue! Yellow! Red!"
I opened the nursery door to see her silhouette behind the curtains and blinds. When I said "Clara! Get in bed!" the silhouette froze and then quietly said "...Mom?" "Yeah?" "Go up the ladder?" "Yes, go up the ladder and get in bed." She did so pretty quickly, then said "Mom?" "Yeah?" "I love books!" "Okay good night babe."
And *just* as I was finishing typing this up, I hear her voice shouting across the parking lot again. "Red! Pink! Brown! White!"
I opened the nursery door to see her silhouette behind the curtains and blinds. When I said "Clara! Get in bed!" the silhouette froze and then quietly said "...Mom?" "Yeah?" "Go up the ladder?" "Yes, go up the ladder and get in bed." She did so pretty quickly, then said "Mom?" "Yeah?" "I love books!" "Okay good night babe."
And *just* as I was finishing typing this up, I hear her voice shouting across the parking lot again. "Red! Pink! Brown! White!"
Saturday, April 27, 2019
4.27.19 - Pleasant Saturday
This morning Jane asked me "Baby wawa?" which apparently mean she wanted to lie across my lap and have me hold her like a baby. So I cradled her and sang "Hush little baby" and she loved it. Then Clara wanted a turn. Then Jane wanted me to do it twice more. After that I told her no more until she cleaned up all the magnets, so she hurriedly put them all back on the fridge and came back to have me hold her and sing "Hush little baby" again. Very very sweet.
We decided to take the girls for a walk around the complex while it was still nice out, because lately it's been getting pretty hot in the afternoons. The complex pool is technically still not open, which is nice for us because it means no one is swimming in it. We took the girls down there and let them stick their feet in the water. Jane splashed rigorously and I had to take off her shorts because even sitting outside the pool she was getting them soaked. Clara wanted to walk along the "train track" (the lined concrete engraving outlining the pool) so Jack walked around and around with her while Jane and I sat at the edge of the shallow end. Eventually Jane realized her feet could reach the top step and she started very tentatively standing for about 0.5 second at a time. She also insisted on "fixing" her tiny little sunglasses such that she was wearing them upside down, but she seemed fine with it. We didn't stay too long because we will all get sunburned pretty easily, but it was nice while it lasted.
Then this afternoon I drove to Erin's to have a craft day. I chatted with Kale the whole hour trip there, which was really enjoyable and makes the trip seem like nothing at all. We talked about how peer review is not nearly as rigorous as people think. I like talking about anything science-related with Kale as it makes me feel still at least a little bit in the loop.
Erin's was really pleasant too, of course. She made us bruschetta and she worked on her scrapbook from Argentina. I worked on the hundreds of files Henry sent from our amateur maternity shoot last week, picking my favorite screen caps. Even as I write this I'm still not done but it's coming along. We talked about all sorts of things and later split a brownie with strawberries. I was there for probably over 4 hours and the time flew.
On the way home I chatted with Jill and told her about how great Clara's progress has been at school, so that was nice too.
We decided to take the girls for a walk around the complex while it was still nice out, because lately it's been getting pretty hot in the afternoons. The complex pool is technically still not open, which is nice for us because it means no one is swimming in it. We took the girls down there and let them stick their feet in the water. Jane splashed rigorously and I had to take off her shorts because even sitting outside the pool she was getting them soaked. Clara wanted to walk along the "train track" (the lined concrete engraving outlining the pool) so Jack walked around and around with her while Jane and I sat at the edge of the shallow end. Eventually Jane realized her feet could reach the top step and she started very tentatively standing for about 0.5 second at a time. She also insisted on "fixing" her tiny little sunglasses such that she was wearing them upside down, but she seemed fine with it. We didn't stay too long because we will all get sunburned pretty easily, but it was nice while it lasted.
Erin's was really pleasant too, of course. She made us bruschetta and she worked on her scrapbook from Argentina. I worked on the hundreds of files Henry sent from our amateur maternity shoot last week, picking my favorite screen caps. Even as I write this I'm still not done but it's coming along. We talked about all sorts of things and later split a brownie with strawberries. I was there for probably over 4 hours and the time flew.
On the way home I chatted with Jill and told her about how great Clara's progress has been at school, so that was nice too.
Clara Lynn,
Daily inventory,
Thursday, April 25, 2019
4.25.19 - A good week!
On Monday I went to Berkeley to give my presentation for the public health course. I talked to Reece most of the way there, which made the trip fly by. I thought the presentation itself went very well, with no hostility even during Q&A. Everyone was very amicable.
Afterward I had thai dinner with perhaps 10 members of Berkeley Students for Life, and that was even better. We stayed and talked for nearly three hours about all sorts of things, and it was interesting getting their perspectives and enjoyable being asked mine. It was nice to have sincere conversations about atheism too.
Most of the drive home I talked to Ellen about how the presentation went, which made the trip again fly by.
On Tuesday after we put the kids to bed, Jack and I played online Tichu with Henry and Kale. It was so much fun. Jack and Henry were stomping us for awhile. At one point it was 380 to 820, and then Kale and I won the game within two rounds by grand tichu 1-2 and then tichu 1-2, ending at 1080 to 820. It was amazing. The entire game we had an online chat going where we were joking around, which is great because it's a low maintenance way to get some interaction with them. Really enjoyed it.
On Wednesday Jack went to give platelets as he does periodically and learned his platelet count is now too low and he has to switch giving whole blood like, as he puts it, the "plebs." He jokes, but he actually was kind of bummed he couldn't give the more difficult and possibly useful donations, and while that isn't a joy, it made me proud of him to realize how much he cares about his blood donations. What a sweet man.
I also got a solid day of work in (a rare occurrence lately) and then took the girls so Jack could work an evening shift. The three of us listened to "Friends on the other side" from Princess and the Frog for probably half an hour straight, each time dancing and singing along, each time they got more excited for the crescendo ending. It was a lot of fun.
Today (Thursday), Jack and I had Clara's IEP meeting with the school district, and it was almost uniformly wonderful news. She has already met all but one of her annual goals which were set only last September. Both her teacher (Macie) and school speech therapist (Beth) emphasized how much Clara has excelled and what a pleasure she is to work with. She's going to move up to an inclusion classroom next year, and they believe that will help her make even more progress with socializing and speech because she'll be around peers she can learn from. It sounds like they've built a lot of continuity into the transition, too, because she will have the same speech therapist, she's already met and spent some time with the new teacher, and her current teacher might be in a position where she still sees Clara about 60 minutes per week anyway.
Overall it was great news, and so encouraging. It was good to be reminded of what her goals originally were and see how far she's come already. Her staff seem confident she will be pretty ready for kindergarten in a year. What a relief!
Afterward I had thai dinner with perhaps 10 members of Berkeley Students for Life, and that was even better. We stayed and talked for nearly three hours about all sorts of things, and it was interesting getting their perspectives and enjoyable being asked mine. It was nice to have sincere conversations about atheism too.
Most of the drive home I talked to Ellen about how the presentation went, which made the trip again fly by.
On Tuesday after we put the kids to bed, Jack and I played online Tichu with Henry and Kale. It was so much fun. Jack and Henry were stomping us for awhile. At one point it was 380 to 820, and then Kale and I won the game within two rounds by grand tichu 1-2 and then tichu 1-2, ending at 1080 to 820. It was amazing. The entire game we had an online chat going where we were joking around, which is great because it's a low maintenance way to get some interaction with them. Really enjoyed it.
On Wednesday Jack went to give platelets as he does periodically and learned his platelet count is now too low and he has to switch giving whole blood like, as he puts it, the "plebs." He jokes, but he actually was kind of bummed he couldn't give the more difficult and possibly useful donations, and while that isn't a joy, it made me proud of him to realize how much he cares about his blood donations. What a sweet man.
I also got a solid day of work in (a rare occurrence lately) and then took the girls so Jack could work an evening shift. The three of us listened to "Friends on the other side" from Princess and the Frog for probably half an hour straight, each time dancing and singing along, each time they got more excited for the crescendo ending. It was a lot of fun.
Today (Thursday), Jack and I had Clara's IEP meeting with the school district, and it was almost uniformly wonderful news. She has already met all but one of her annual goals which were set only last September. Both her teacher (Macie) and school speech therapist (Beth) emphasized how much Clara has excelled and what a pleasure she is to work with. She's going to move up to an inclusion classroom next year, and they believe that will help her make even more progress with socializing and speech because she'll be around peers she can learn from. It sounds like they've built a lot of continuity into the transition, too, because she will have the same speech therapist, she's already met and spent some time with the new teacher, and her current teacher might be in a position where she still sees Clara about 60 minutes per week anyway.
Overall it was great news, and so encouraging. It was good to be reminded of what her goals originally were and see how far she's come already. Her staff seem confident she will be pretty ready for kindergarten in a year. What a relief!
Clara Lynn,
Daily inventory,
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
4.23.19 - Kid snippets: Clara felt Calvin kick
This morning Clara and Jane woke up before Jack and I did. They came into our bedroom babbling in stage whispers. Calvin was actually kicking a lot, as he seems to do more in the morning before I get out of bed, so I put Clara's hand on my abdomen right as he kicked pretty hard. I've been telling her a lot that there's a baby brother in my belly, but I'm not sure how much she understands. I just know she moved her hand away pretty quickly and didn't want to do it again, so maybe I just freaked her out.
Saturday, April 20, 2019
4.27.19 - Kid snippets: Appah doo doo
Tonight we figured out that when Jane says "Appah doo doo" she means "Happy Birthday," apparently. (We figured it out only when she started singing.)
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
4.17.19 - Kid snippets: STEEGE
Giving Clara a bath:
Me: Look up, we have to get your hair wet. We're going to pour the cup three times.
Clara: Five times and then Skittles.
M: No, no Skittles.
C: Mom, what do get?
M: You get honor and prestige.
C: Steege?!
M: Yes. [I finish pouring.]
C: Okay Mom! STEEGE!
Me: Look up, we have to get your hair wet. We're going to pour the cup three times.
Clara: Five times and then Skittles.
M: No, no Skittles.
C: Mom, what do get?
M: You get honor and prestige.
C: Steege?!
M: Yes. [I finish pouring.]
C: Okay Mom! STEEGE!
Monday, April 15, 2019
4.15.19 - Kid snippets - "ow"
When I trim Jane's nails, after each clip she waits a second or so and then very casually says "Ow."
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
4.10.19 - Kid snippets: giggling before bed
We just put the kids to bed and then I thought I heard Jane crying (which would be unusual). I went to the door to listen and, no, she was just babbling to Clara who was babbling back and then they'd both stop and giggle. I can also hear them blowing raspberries to each other and giggling even harder.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
4.7.19 - Muffin morning
Jack has started a new work schedule that includes Sunday mornings, so for the first time in weeks or maybe months I will be home on weekend mornings (instead of getting work done at Starbucks). I decided to take this first morning as an opportunity to have something other than oatmeal, toast, or Kix for breakfast, so we baked some muffins.
Muffins are a great way to sneak produce into the kids, and unfortunately I didn't have any zuccini to shred into them, so I added a whole bunch of strawberries. I put on my "Tejon kitchen happy" playlist (a playlist of cheerful music that is all child appropriate) and started mixing. Clara was interested as soon as I turned the mixer on, and I let her lick the whisk when it was done, which she loved. She brought a stool into the kitchen and stood to my side watching (and narrating) everything I was doing.
Once the muffins were in the oven I turned on the oven light so the girls could see. The oven window is right at their height, which is nice. Jane was mostly ignoring us up until this point, but Clara was very excited to watch the muffins bake. Shortly later Clara went to use the potty, and Jane took her spot on muffin watch. Clara was successful and I offered her Skittles but she asked instead for a muffin, haha.
While we were waiting for the muffins to bake Clara asked me to come dance with her. We were dancing in circles and Jane tried to carry all the toys she was playing with and join us. I had to help her put them down and then she and Clara took a minute to figure out how to hold hands, but then we all danced (walked slowly) in a circle and they were giggling the whole time. Very sweet.
They recently broke our oven timer, sadly, so I was using the timer on my phone, and each time it went off they both got pretty excited and walked with me to the kitchen to see what would happen. I had to set it more than once for both sets because each time they weren't quite done after the first timer, but the repeated process just built up the excitement! When I took the first batch out, I used one oven mitt and a knife to remove the muffins and let them cool on a plate. Clara continued to stand on a stool and narrate and also asked if she could have an oven mitt, which I declined.
I cut two muffins in half and added butter and put them in a purple bowl for Clara and pink bowl for Jane. Sat Jane in her booster seat and Clara hurried to sit at the table. I brought them each their muffins and they ate them happily. Well actually Jane ate half of hers and then wanted to walk around with the other half. We need to vacuum badly anyway so I just let her.
While the second batch was baking, the song "Ruby Baby" by Dion came on and Clara got up and started slowly spinning in circles while eating her muffin. Last time we listened to "Ruby Baby" Jack and I did some swing dance to it, which the girls found fascinating, so I guess now Clara associates the song with dancing. :)
Clara has also recently started adding what is either "firefly" or "firefighter" to her "Clara elephant" descriptions, such as "Mom, firefly Clara elephant is eating muffins!"
They each asked for seconds, of course, and then they sat on the couch together eating their muffins happily. Now Jane is slowly somersaulting through the living room and looking at me and yelling "YAYYY" at the end of each one.
Later in the morning we were all hanging out in the "blue bed" (mine and Jack's bed) with juice cups and books, and then Jane wanted me to start reading off the letters to my "Home is wherever I am with you" sign. Clara actually hummed part of the song, which I didn't realize she knew, so I sang the chorus and pointed to each word as I sang it. Then I had Alexa play the Edward Sharpe version with the background choir, and each time they sang "home is wherever I am with you" I would point to the words on the sign and Clara and Jane were delighted. The choir repeats the chorus many times at the end so the girls had a lot of time to absorb that this sign in my bedroom was actually part of a song. It was fun to watch them put it together.
Muffins are a great way to sneak produce into the kids, and unfortunately I didn't have any zuccini to shred into them, so I added a whole bunch of strawberries. I put on my "Tejon kitchen happy" playlist (a playlist of cheerful music that is all child appropriate) and started mixing. Clara was interested as soon as I turned the mixer on, and I let her lick the whisk when it was done, which she loved. She brought a stool into the kitchen and stood to my side watching (and narrating) everything I was doing.
Once the muffins were in the oven I turned on the oven light so the girls could see. The oven window is right at their height, which is nice. Jane was mostly ignoring us up until this point, but Clara was very excited to watch the muffins bake. Shortly later Clara went to use the potty, and Jane took her spot on muffin watch. Clara was successful and I offered her Skittles but she asked instead for a muffin, haha.
They recently broke our oven timer, sadly, so I was using the timer on my phone, and each time it went off they both got pretty excited and walked with me to the kitchen to see what would happen. I had to set it more than once for both sets because each time they weren't quite done after the first timer, but the repeated process just built up the excitement! When I took the first batch out, I used one oven mitt and a knife to remove the muffins and let them cool on a plate. Clara continued to stand on a stool and narrate and also asked if she could have an oven mitt, which I declined.
Clara has also recently started adding what is either "firefly" or "firefighter" to her "Clara elephant" descriptions, such as "Mom, firefly Clara elephant is eating muffins!"
They each asked for seconds, of course, and then they sat on the couch together eating their muffins happily. Now Jane is slowly somersaulting through the living room and looking at me and yelling "YAYYY" at the end of each one.
Friday, April 5, 2019
4.5.19 - The Bunk Bed
Calvin will arrive in August and we aren't likely to move to a bigger place before then. Even if we were going to, I think we'd still want to get a bunk bed to save space.
A few days ago I mentioned to Jack that we should look into one now and give Clara and Jane time to get used to it before they have to adjust to the next big change (a new baby), and to my delight Jack took over the project without me even thinking about it again. He spent the last few days researching and trying to find a balance between cost and storage needs (bunk bed with built in storage are far too expensive but we were hoping at least for something with enough clearance from the ground that we can store clothes under it). After several unsuccessful attempts to coordinate with sellers on Craigslist and Facebook Market (or whatever it's called), today Jack found a fairly good deal. He left to investigate it immediately (he wanted to see the frame in person to verify it really was 11" off the ground) while I was able to keep working because Clara was with her ABA therapist.
As soon as Jack returned he got to work taking apart Clara's current bed and assembling the bunk bed. Most of this phase he was kept company by Clara who talked to him about what he was doing (and what she was doing) incessantly. I just hear her in their, high-pitched voice jabbering away, with him occasionally giving a preoccupied "Yeah." or "Oh yeah?" She was pretty excited about all the furniture rearranging happening and stayed in there with him the whole time, so I was able to get even more done.
He wasn't quite finished by the time it was time to pick up Jane so he closed the nursery door and blocked it so Clara wouldn't mess with the tools and everything inside. I put on some videos for her to keep her preoccupied and it mostly worked.
When Jack and Jane returned, both girls were very excited and interested in all the happenings in the nursery. Once Jack actually put one bunk on top of the other and put Clara's mattress on the top bunk, they were just amazed. Clara was thrilled to climb the ladder to the top bunk, and even though Jane can't handle the ladder yet, she was perfectly happy/excited to climb back and forth over the empty lower bunk frame and move toys in and out of its space. She was very busy.
It took a bit to get them (mostly Clara) out of the nursery and into their chairs for dinner, and when they were done they went back to experiencing the bunk bed. Clara kept putting her stuffed animals on the ladder rungs and telling me they were going up the "excavator." (No matter how many times I try to get her to say "escalator" she insists it is actually "excavator.") Jane continued to move objects and herself back and forth, under and mostly over, the empty bottom frame.
It was actually pretty surreal to me because we had bunk beds for my entire youth and they really symbolize childhood to me. I have a ton of bunk bed-associated memories, and it was just bizarre to realize now I'm the adult too big to sit on the top bunk and I'm corralling my kids around in their cozy (crowded) nursery.
When it was finally time for bed, I brushed Clara's teeth while she sat on the top bunk. She had no problem being put to bed there (she transitions really wonderfully in general), but she did want Jane to come up there with her. Jane was also standing at the bottom of the ladder yelling "UP!" so I went ahead and put her on the top bunk for a while and they basically both sat there and giggled and smooshed their faces into the pillows etc. It was pretty amazing, I am sure, being so high up in the room.
When I did put Jane in her crib, that was nostalgic too, in the sense that Jane probably has only a few more days, week tops (however long it takes us to get another twin mattress and bedding), to sleep in her crib before it becomes Calvin's crib. Makes me glad we're about to have another baby since this baby is growing up fast. <3
I put them to bed the same way I always do and they handled it fine. Fun transition day.
A few days ago I mentioned to Jack that we should look into one now and give Clara and Jane time to get used to it before they have to adjust to the next big change (a new baby), and to my delight Jack took over the project without me even thinking about it again. He spent the last few days researching and trying to find a balance between cost and storage needs (bunk bed with built in storage are far too expensive but we were hoping at least for something with enough clearance from the ground that we can store clothes under it). After several unsuccessful attempts to coordinate with sellers on Craigslist and Facebook Market (or whatever it's called), today Jack found a fairly good deal. He left to investigate it immediately (he wanted to see the frame in person to verify it really was 11" off the ground) while I was able to keep working because Clara was with her ABA therapist.
As soon as Jack returned he got to work taking apart Clara's current bed and assembling the bunk bed. Most of this phase he was kept company by Clara who talked to him about what he was doing (and what she was doing) incessantly. I just hear her in their, high-pitched voice jabbering away, with him occasionally giving a preoccupied "Yeah." or "Oh yeah?" She was pretty excited about all the furniture rearranging happening and stayed in there with him the whole time, so I was able to get even more done.
When Jack and Jane returned, both girls were very excited and interested in all the happenings in the nursery. Once Jack actually put one bunk on top of the other and put Clara's mattress on the top bunk, they were just amazed. Clara was thrilled to climb the ladder to the top bunk, and even though Jane can't handle the ladder yet, she was perfectly happy/excited to climb back and forth over the empty lower bunk frame and move toys in and out of its space. She was very busy.
It took a bit to get them (mostly Clara) out of the nursery and into their chairs for dinner, and when they were done they went back to experiencing the bunk bed. Clara kept putting her stuffed animals on the ladder rungs and telling me they were going up the "excavator." (No matter how many times I try to get her to say "escalator" she insists it is actually "excavator.") Jane continued to move objects and herself back and forth, under and mostly over, the empty bottom frame.
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Left: Jack putting together the crib in late 2014; Center: Jack putting together Clara's "big girl bed" in early 2017; Right: Jack putting together the bunk bed, April 2019. |
When it was finally time for bed, I brushed Clara's teeth while she sat on the top bunk. She had no problem being put to bed there (she transitions really wonderfully in general), but she did want Jane to come up there with her. Jane was also standing at the bottom of the ladder yelling "UP!" so I went ahead and put her on the top bunk for a while and they basically both sat there and giggled and smooshed their faces into the pillows etc. It was pretty amazing, I am sure, being so high up in the room.
I put them to bed the same way I always do and they handled it fine. Fun transition day.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
4.2.19 - Kid Snippets - Jane's maniacal laugh, Clara sets her own timer
Jane just grabbed a fork from the dinner table and started aggressively scraping it against a wall. I told her to stop and she looked right at me and then did it again. I used an Angry Voice and said "Jane! Give me that!" and she scraped the wall again. So I got up to take it from her, and the moment I stood from my chair she TORE down the hall, frantically tossing the fork behind her as she ran for the nursery cackling. And it was all I could do not to burst out laughing and ruin the facade of a disciplinarian. (I managed to keep it together but it was close.)
Meanwhile Clara got hold of the oven timer, set it up in the bathroom, turning it to maximum time, and announced "Mom! One HUNDWED minutes to play in the sink!"
Meanwhile Clara got hold of the oven timer, set it up in the bathroom, turning it to maximum time, and announced "Mom! One HUNDWED minutes to play in the sink!"
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