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6.7.18 - The Gluten Free aisle at Schnuck's |
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Friday, June 22, 2018
Sunday, June 17, 2018
6.17.18 - My birthday & Father's Day
A few days before Father's Day I was working at Picasso's and decided to walk down Main Street and see if I could find any good gift ideas for Jack. I went to this really charming bookstore called Main Street Books and they had all kinds of unique, thoughtful, and funny greeting cards. I picked out a sweet one for Jack and then also found a pair of Hungry Caterpillar socks, which I figure is kind of Father's Day-themed since our kids love that book. I imagined him wearing the socks and pretending his feet were caterpillars. Who knows if that will ever happen but it was the best idea I had so I got them.
Anyway so this morning I gave him those gifts before he took the girls to church, and he seemed to like them.
While everyone was at church I relaxed and enjoyed the quiet and time to myself. I made a plate of nachos (with the mango peach salsa I have been really loving this trip) and watched 2-3 episodes of The Office uninterrupted. Frankly it was awesome. I also tried to remember Pachelbel's Canon on the piano but I couldn't quite get the whole thing. Still enjoyed playing it without little hands pounding the keys on either end.
I went ahead and got dressed and prepped a couple things to take to Mom's house later. Jack came home with the kids and the sermon had been Father's Day related and church had given all the dads bags of M&M's with a little card, so that was sweet.
We all caravaned to Mom's house for my informal birthday potluck. Jack dropped us off and ran to Costco to get rotisserie chicken (from us) and canned chicken for Everett's buffalo chicken dip. (Side note: I like how proud Everett is of that dip. It's freaking delicious and all of it always gets eaten at get together's, which he likes to point out.) Ellen made Sunshine fruit salad and she was so thoughtful as to make one version completely gluten free, which means a lot to me.
Thanks to Ellen and Everett the basement was already totally clean and prepped for company. Good thing, too, because Zoey forbid me from going down there while she worked on my birthday gift, haha. But once she was done we all moved all the food and drink to the downstairs table. The Bairds came over with bacon wrapped smokey mini sausages in a crock pot (which also all got eaten), Don & Merlene brought gluten free chips and cheese, and I think Julie brought a bunch of veggies and hummus. Later Linda got there with apple fritters.
We all hung out and chatted, and we played a few games of Quiplash. One of the questions was what to name a cheese shop and I won with "It's all Gouda." Lol. Everyone loves puns. Zoey and Malcolm stayed upstairs for this part because the game is not always kid-friendly. Clara is too young to understand, though, and she stayed with us and happily danced to the background music and watched the animated characters as we entered our answers. At some point Katie Jackson came over and joined us, which was really great because I hadn't been sure if she'd be able to make it (Aaron is home with poision oak, but the kids were napping so she snuck away for a bit). She played Quiplash too and laughed a lot.
We were able to play only a few games because the Bairds had to go tend to other things (alas), but then it was time to open presents. I actually wasn't really expecting presents because I'd told everyone not to worry about it, but I had several anyway. Zoey made me a handmade card all taped shut, and inside it was her gift: a drawing! Very very sweet, and she was so excited for me to open it. Ellen got me a stainless steel baking dish (I am slowly converting all bakeware to stainless steel for ease of cleaning and gluten free cooking), Don & Merlene got me a sweet card with some cash, Jack got me a book on teaching our kids to read, and Mom painted me a fresca based on the lyric book "It's a Wonderful World" that my girls enjoy. That was especially creative and touching and she even copied the exact style of the birds and butterflies in the book's illustrations.
We didn't have any cake, but Mom stuck 7 candles in an apple fritter (3 and 3 for 33 and "one to grow on") and then everyone sang "Happy Birthday" and I blew out the candles with Clara's help. I was pleased to see that Clara has evolved from being shy and intimidated by everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to enjoying it and wanting to aslo blow out the candles.
I think it was after that Linda had to get going and so did the Jacksons and the Wolks. Everett, Jack, and I hung out and chatted in the basement for awhile and then quickly cleaned up. Jack and I took the girls back to Don & Merlene's so we could hang out with Dave while he was there after work. At some point Merlene put a candle in half a gluten free fig bar (lol) so that the Jacksons could sing me their much more professional, harmonized version of "Happy Birthday." Clara loved that too, and again helped me blow out the candle.
While everyone was at church I relaxed and enjoyed the quiet and time to myself. I made a plate of nachos (with the mango peach salsa I have been really loving this trip) and watched 2-3 episodes of The Office uninterrupted. Frankly it was awesome. I also tried to remember Pachelbel's Canon on the piano but I couldn't quite get the whole thing. Still enjoyed playing it without little hands pounding the keys on either end.
We all caravaned to Mom's house for my informal birthday potluck. Jack dropped us off and ran to Costco to get rotisserie chicken (from us) and canned chicken for Everett's buffalo chicken dip. (Side note: I like how proud Everett is of that dip. It's freaking delicious and all of it always gets eaten at get together's, which he likes to point out.) Ellen made Sunshine fruit salad and she was so thoughtful as to make one version completely gluten free, which means a lot to me.
Thanks to Ellen and Everett the basement was already totally clean and prepped for company. Good thing, too, because Zoey forbid me from going down there while she worked on my birthday gift, haha. But once she was done we all moved all the food and drink to the downstairs table. The Bairds came over with bacon wrapped smokey mini sausages in a crock pot (which also all got eaten), Don & Merlene brought gluten free chips and cheese, and I think Julie brought a bunch of veggies and hummus. Later Linda got there with apple fritters.
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Blurry pic Mom took of everyone visiting. I'm having grapefruit juice with white wine, mmm. |
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Zoey's sweet card. |
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3/4 of the Jackson singers that night. |
Oh and of course I got a lot of well wishes via text and on Facebook. My favorite this year was from Nick Reynosa:
Clara Lynn,
Daily inventory,
FB friends,
Friday, June 15, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
6.14.18 - Dinner with the Bairds
Jack and I dropped the girls off at Julie's. Jane fell asleep on the drive there and went to sleep (with some fuss) in the pack'n'play. Zoey and Malcolm were appropriately quiet and stage whispered everything to Clara, who didn't whisper at all. They started playing together immediately, so Jack and I snuck off without Clara even noticing.
We met Eddie & Elisabeth in the parking lot and went in to Gingham's diner, which was brighter and more cheerful than I'd remembered. We sat at a booth near an elderly man who looked remarkably like Hammond from Jurassic Park, and Eddie texted me to say so and then told me he had just texted me with a big smile on his face. Once Eddie pointed out the similarity, Jack couldn't stop noticing it and joked about wanting an autograph from "the guy who looks like the Jurassic Park guy."
Anyway we ate and talked and laughed a lot, and at one point Eddie asked us what the odds were that we would ever move back to Saint Louis. He said he was unreasonably invested in us moving back, which flattered and surprised me because I didn't get the impression he cared about it specifically. We talked about the trickiness of trying to figure out where to move and the enticement of better nursing wages in Sacramento, but the specifics of the conversation aren't really my point. I was just touched that he wants us to come back so much. The Bairds are definitely on the "pro" list of pros and cons for St. Louis.
The entire time we had dinner there was what seemed like pre-storm weather outside. It was very windy and dark and we kept seeing not flashes but bolts of lightning across the sky. Personally I love that kind of weather. But it never ended up really raining, just sprinkling here and there. When we left the diner we talked a while more in the parking lot but we were laughing the whole time because it was so windy it was almost blowing us backwards. We took a selfie and you can see how much we're all laughing:
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Keeping each other busy. |
Anyway we ate and talked and laughed a lot, and at one point Eddie asked us what the odds were that we would ever move back to Saint Louis. He said he was unreasonably invested in us moving back, which flattered and surprised me because I didn't get the impression he cared about it specifically. We talked about the trickiness of trying to figure out where to move and the enticement of better nursing wages in Sacramento, but the specifics of the conversation aren't really my point. I was just touched that he wants us to come back so much. The Bairds are definitely on the "pro" list of pros and cons for St. Louis.
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Julie sent me this pic of Malcolm & Jane. Apparently Malcolm told Jane "Baby Jane, I wuv you." |
Jack and I went back to Julie's to get the girls, who were apparently having a great time. We hung out for a bit and Zoey, Malcolm, and Clara all ran around in big circles chasing each other in the front yard while the weather was so cool and breezy. Jane hung out too, mostly crawling over the front porch chalk drawings and making a mess. At one point Clara stepped in a mud puddle and wasn't willing to keep playing until she got "wash cloth," that is, got her foot cleaned off. But then she was fine.
And then, after we got back to the Jacksons, Mom and Ellen came over and went for a walk with Jack and the girls and I around the block, playing more "I Spy" and enjoying hearing Jane mimic "Gaga!" and "woooow." It was still nice and cool out thanks to the not-quite-storm and Jack and Mom enjoyed beers as we went. Overall a very pleasant evening.
Clara Lynn,
Daily inventory,
date night,
Monday, June 11, 2018
6.11.18 - Pool day & Polite Society
I woke up around 7 a.m. and went to Mom's. We used the Starbucks app to mobile order some iced grande mochas, then I walked in and grabbed them on our drive over to City Hall, and we walked all around the City Center and park talking. It was early enough that it wasn't too warm and we had a really nice time. I haven't been up there in years so it was nice to see again.
On the way back we stopped by Walmart Neighborhood Market and Mom picked up some groceries for herself and some gluten free food to keep around for Clara, which was very sweet. When we got back to her house I took off in a hurry so I could get back to the Jacksons and help get the girls ready for all of us to go to Mark & Linda's pool!
First of all the girls' suits were absolutely adorable and I really enjoyed that. And while I'm feeling a little worn out from all the supplies we have to pack (food, diapers, back up clothes, etc) every time we bring the girls anywhere, this outing was totally worth it. I also haven't been to Linda's in years, and I love spending time with her, and I haven't seen Mark in forever, so all of that I was looking forward to.
We got there and she waved us to park in her driveway. We went inside and there were not one but three cats (Santino, Mikey Fredo, and Purrrrl), and Clara was psyched about that. She kept pointing them out and petting them, and Jane started crawling around chasing them, and for the most part the cats took it in stride.
Before we had even got outside the Wolks (minus Denny) and Ellen arrived, so we got everyone sunscreened up and ready to go. Incidentally the sunscreen Merlene bought us is excellent--it's not only gluten free but it's spray on yet still lotion (not aerolized spray) and seems pretty effective. Anyway as we were prepping all the kids Clara noticed the pool outside (which I also have never seen finished and which is gorgeous) and she kept saying "Swim?? Let's GO!" So excited haha.
Yet when we finally got outside she was of course a bit hesitant about getting in, which is fine with me as I want her to be cautious, although I'd also like her to see how fun swimming is. Zoey and Malcolm got in right away, and Jack waded in with Jane (who was perfectly content to be in the water), but Clara mostly stayed at the top step on the shallow end. I tried to entice her with various pool toys or by sitting next to her to get her to go in at least one or two steps more. At one point she stood near the edge of the pool and I got her to jump to me, but when I dipped her in to her waits (where her life jacket reached the water) she got scared and yelled "NOOOOO!" so I put her back on the top step. After that she didn't even want to go on the steps and spent a long time (over an hour at least) walking around the pool perimeter watching everyone, sometimes throwing balls back and forth, sometimes cheering for Linda and Ellen (and Jack) playing pool volleyball, but certainly never actually getting in the water.
I was a little disappointed because I think if she tried it she would love it, but I tried to remind myself that she was having a great time anyway and there's no hurry. Zoey and Malcolm were loving it and Mark and Linda are great hosts and seemed happy to share and to tell us about how they put it together (along with other cool aspects of their lovely backyard, such as Mark's very organized garden which Julie really liked).
We had corn on the cob and strawberries and even some delicious vegan bread Ellen brought back from her friend's bridal shower weekend. Mark grilled hot dogs and had his homemade relish and dilled carrots (which Jane liked) and other treats. It was all so pleasant. Of course we had gluten free food for Clara (the muffins she loves, string cheese, oranges, PBJ) and she seemed happy with that.
At one point Clara was sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet on the top step, and I was spinning a yellow beach ball in the pool, which she found very exciting. Most of the rest of our crew were sitting at the patio table eating lunch, and on the radio Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" came on. I've always liked that song largely because of its inclusion in the soundtrack to "Almost Famous," which I enjoyed in high school. Something about being in Missouri in the summer, at a pool, listening to a nostalgic-sounding song that reminds me of high school--man, all of it was nostalgic in a very happy way, and I started singing along while swirling the beach ball and Clara seemed to enjoy it. It was really lovely.
Eventually Jane was rubbing her eyes so I went upstairs and nursed her in the guest bedroom and she completely passed out. Jack joined her and I went back down to the pool. Julie, Ellen, and I were goofing around while Linda took some pictures, and it was then--when no one was paying attention to her that she could tell--that Clara tentatively got back in the water. She layed down in the water on the first step and let her legs dangle over the other steps.
I brought one of the pool boats over to her and she seemed interested but just before she was about to try to step into it Malcolm jumped in, so I launched him off and grabbed the other boat for Clara. I don't think it hurt that she saw Malcolm do it, and she was ready to get in. "Clara boat??" I picked her up and put her in and she loved it! I pulled her boat all around the pool for at least 45 minutes. She had her sunhat and eventually also Linda's sunglasses, and she was very happy to just keep floating. If I ever dragged her nearer the stairs again she would protest with "Oh! Oh! Clara boat!" meaning she wanted to keep floating. I was thrilled, actually, that she was in the water so much. I eventually dipped my hair in too, which incidentally is definitely in my joy inventory. Such a wonderful feeling.
Eventually Jack came back down with a refreshed Jane and I had her on my hip in the pool. I took Clara out of the boat and held her on the other hip, and she was scared for a second but then seemed to really enjoy it.
By now we had been at Linda & Mark's for nearly 5 hours, so we decided to pack it in. Clara passed out on the way home but did wake up when we got back, which was fine because I figured it meant she wouldn't stay up too late with Don & Merlene watching her.
Jack and I took turns taking showers and watching the kids. Dave dropped by after work and visited briefly and saw the girls. Then Jack and I left the girls with Don & Merlene and we drove to Saint Louis to have dinner with Mike (his treat). On the drive there we were on the highway and I saw a woman next to us with her windows down singing along to whatever she was listening to. I couldn't hear her at all but it was a pleasant sight. At Jack's insistence (sweet of him) I slept on the way there, and I woke up when we parked in a beautiful area with tall old style houses that reminded me of San Francisco. They were across the street from a large beautiful park with wrought iron fences.
We walked down a super clean sidewalk and found the restaurant, and Mike was in the lobby waiting for us. He introduced us to the owner, Bryan, and we were sat immediately. Turns out Mike knows the owner from years before the restaurant even opened, and he spent weeks helping set up various IT and electrical framework, he continues to help maintain the restaurant, and in exchange he eats there for free probably about once a week. So that was amazing and made me feel more comfortable with him treating us to such a nice meal.
The food was good but the drinks in particular were great, and they all had funny pop culture names like Thai Fighter and I Am Groot. The restaurant has a steampunk theme which I really liked, including gears and pipes holding up lamps and bookshelves, etc. The whole thing is in a brick building which doesn't hurt. We had some fried portobello mushrooms for appetizers and dark chocolate pretzel bread pudding for dessert--those were probably my favorite parts. And we talked and laughed and had easy conversation the whole time. It was very enjoyable.
Then on the way home Jack was talking to me about things he'd been thinking about inspired largely by the sermon he heard at his parents' church on Sunday. And he told me that (paraphrasing) he finds me so attractive not just physically but as his wife and specifically because I've "kicked ass" keeping our family afloat the last couple years while he finished nursing school. It meant a lot to me to hear him say all of that. In fact I think it's one of the more profound and kind things he's said to me, so that was a nice way to top off the night.
First of all the girls' suits were absolutely adorable and I really enjoyed that. And while I'm feeling a little worn out from all the supplies we have to pack (food, diapers, back up clothes, etc) every time we bring the girls anywhere, this outing was totally worth it. I also haven't been to Linda's in years, and I love spending time with her, and I haven't seen Mark in forever, so all of that I was looking forward to.
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Clara's ballerina-like swimsuit |
Before we had even got outside the Wolks (minus Denny) and Ellen arrived, so we got everyone sunscreened up and ready to go. Incidentally the sunscreen Merlene bought us is excellent--it's not only gluten free but it's spray on yet still lotion (not aerolized spray) and seems pretty effective. Anyway as we were prepping all the kids Clara noticed the pool outside (which I also have never seen finished and which is gorgeous) and she kept saying "Swim?? Let's GO!" So excited haha.
Yet when we finally got outside she was of course a bit hesitant about getting in, which is fine with me as I want her to be cautious, although I'd also like her to see how fun swimming is. Zoey and Malcolm got in right away, and Jack waded in with Jane (who was perfectly content to be in the water), but Clara mostly stayed at the top step on the shallow end. I tried to entice her with various pool toys or by sitting next to her to get her to go in at least one or two steps more. At one point she stood near the edge of the pool and I got her to jump to me, but when I dipped her in to her waits (where her life jacket reached the water) she got scared and yelled "NOOOOO!" so I put her back on the top step. After that she didn't even want to go on the steps and spent a long time (over an hour at least) walking around the pool perimeter watching everyone, sometimes throwing balls back and forth, sometimes cheering for Linda and Ellen (and Jack) playing pool volleyball, but certainly never actually getting in the water.
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Clara is cautious with the pool and perfers to walk around it. |
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Zoey is happy to get right in. |
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Jane tries to inhale a corn on the cob. |
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Getting braver. |
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She wanted to check out the fountains. |
Jack and I took turns taking showers and watching the kids. Dave dropped by after work and visited briefly and saw the girls. Then Jack and I left the girls with Don & Merlene and we drove to Saint Louis to have dinner with Mike (his treat). On the drive there we were on the highway and I saw a woman next to us with her windows down singing along to whatever she was listening to. I couldn't hear her at all but it was a pleasant sight. At Jack's insistence (sweet of him) I slept on the way there, and I woke up when we parked in a beautiful area with tall old style houses that reminded me of San Francisco. They were across the street from a large beautiful park with wrought iron fences.
Clara Lynn,
Daily inventory,
date night,
Sunday, June 10, 2018
6.10.18 - Parish Picnic
Despite prepping as much as possible for the heat (frozen water bottles, sleeveless shirts and sunhats, etc.) the weather was a bit too much for us and we were all ready to go home before we'd even used all our tickets. Nevertheless I want to remember some good moments from the Parish Picnic.
First, it was fun to see Clara get excited for different rides and to ride those rides unafraid. She rode the helicopter ride twice (once with Jack, once with Zoey and Greta), the fire engine ride, the spinning monkey ride, and the dinosaur ride. She seemed to really like all of them and I really liked that she had young kids to ride them with and share in the enthusiasm.
It was also enjoyable and slightly nostalgic to be at All Saints and especially to go in the gym, where I haven't been in years. I still remember the mirror backing to the trophy case, which I would glance at basically every time our classes entered or left the gym, same when I was older and left gym mass.
But the best part of the Picnic was riding the Scrambler with Jack. That has always been my favorite ride, and I've never gone to a theme park or fair or anything similar with Jack before. I sat on the inside because he's bigger, and he still tried to smoosh me against centripedal force, and his whoops and sound effects made me laugh a lot, actually. He also really wanted to give the ride operator a high five but we had to wait until our cart lined up just right with where the dude was standing, and then the guy wasn't ready for it and missed, which also made us laugh. The ride was like a really enjoyable three minute date, haha.
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(This pic actually stolen from Julie's blog from last year, but same idea.) |
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Jane tries to keep up with the big kids climbing all over the bleachers. |
Clara Lynn,
Daily inventory,
date night,
Friday, June 8, 2018
6.8.18 - Day off with the kids
Mom had the day off so I took the kids to her place for the later morning and most of the afternoon. There we could visit while Jack finally had some time to go focus on NCLEX studying.
We decided to take the girls outside before it go too warm to be bearable. The great thing about being at a grandparent's house is they already have a lot of toys and kid-friendly activities and ideas. Mom had sidewalk chalk and bubbles and soccor balls, etc. She pulled the shade down to block the sun from the carport and spread out colorful quilts so Jane could crawl around without being directly on the hot, hard cement. We gave them gluten free potato chips and juice with ice cubes. Eventually Mom put her sprinkler on to water the tree in her backyard. Clara was very interested in examining the sprinkler but was not at all sure about running through it. Eventually Mom ran through the sprinkler and laughed and made a deal of it, so Clara followed suit, but once she went through she turned to me and said, slightly desperately, "Towel??" Haha. She wasn't upset but she didn't want to run in the sprinkler anymore.
Eventually it was too warm so Mom took the girls back inside and kept them busy while I packed up everything we had set up outside for them. It took me five trips back and forth inside the house to gather everything, haha. We hung out with the girls in Mom's room and Jane played intently with Mom's phone, which Mom thought was hilarious.
After a few hours Jack returned from studying to pick us up. We dropped the girls off with Don & Merlene and then we headed out to The Pasta House for a date night. The Pasta House was where I had my first real job, which I started in early 2004 as a hostess for $6 per hour. (Not long after I became a server and made fairly decent money for that time and place.) I hadn't been back there since perhaps 2005, but it looked very much as I remembered it, and one of the managers from when I worked there is now the owner of that location. And the manager on site when we were there for dinner looked very much like one we had when I worked there, so perhaps at least two of them have stayed on all this time.
It was an enjoyable date because the memories of Pasta House inspired Jack and me to talk about that time period and particularly the various blue collar jobs he worked before moving to California. Jack has had quite a few jobs, actually. In general it was pleasant to talk about in the sense of seeing how far we've come and feeling glad we've moved past that phase. I do not miss being a waitress. And in a broader sense I don't much miss being in my late teens/early twenties and still having so much to figure out. That was daunting. Dating, college, all of it was looming and confusing. I'm glad to be past it.
Anyway dinner was tasty in a "this is terrible for you" kind of way. I ordered the same meal I used to order when I got a complimentary meal for working a double: eggplant paremsan with a side of pasta in a cream sauce. We also had a bunch of dinner rolls and the famous Pasta House salad. We were both super full by the end and neither of us finished our food, so once we left we dropped by Mom's and gave Everett our leftovers. Lucky him.
Then we went to visit the Bairds. We basically sat on their living room couch for about 2-2.5 hours (and then stood in the foyer/front door area for another 20-30 minutes) just talking and laughing about all sorts of things. Also Eddie told us about his Keto diet and made us a pretty tasty chocolate whipped cream type dessert with raspberries. We got to briefly meet their nephews, including Blaine, who is about to be a sophomore and who lives with Eddie & Elisabeth full time now. He was well mannered.
When we got home Jane was in bed, Clara was ready for bed, and they had both been on walks and had baths. So not only did Don & Merlene free Jack and I up to enjoy a childless evening together, they also took care of our kids' needs such that there was a lot less we needed to take care of once we returned. It was a welcome relief.
After putting Clara to bed, all four of us stayed up and watched some of Black Panther because we knew we'd never get through all of it. Sure enough about 30 minutes in I was falling asleep, so we gave up. In fact I then spent a ridiuclously long amount of time typing out the bullet points of this trip so I would have them to seed the full blog post later. It took forever because I kept falling asleep while typing. So exhausted.
But overall it was a very enjoyable day getting to spend plenty of time with my kids and then going on a date with my husband and seeing old friends. A+ day.
We decided to take the girls outside before it go too warm to be bearable. The great thing about being at a grandparent's house is they already have a lot of toys and kid-friendly activities and ideas. Mom had sidewalk chalk and bubbles and soccor balls, etc. She pulled the shade down to block the sun from the carport and spread out colorful quilts so Jane could crawl around without being directly on the hot, hard cement. We gave them gluten free potato chips and juice with ice cubes. Eventually Mom put her sprinkler on to water the tree in her backyard. Clara was very interested in examining the sprinkler but was not at all sure about running through it. Eventually Mom ran through the sprinkler and laughed and made a deal of it, so Clara followed suit, but once she went through she turned to me and said, slightly desperately, "Towel??" Haha. She wasn't upset but she didn't want to run in the sprinkler anymore.
Then we went to visit the Bairds. We basically sat on their living room couch for about 2-2.5 hours (and then stood in the foyer/front door area for another 20-30 minutes) just talking and laughing about all sorts of things. Also Eddie told us about his Keto diet and made us a pretty tasty chocolate whipped cream type dessert with raspberries. We got to briefly meet their nephews, including Blaine, who is about to be a sophomore and who lives with Eddie & Elisabeth full time now. He was well mannered.
After putting Clara to bed, all four of us stayed up and watched some of Black Panther because we knew we'd never get through all of it. Sure enough about 30 minutes in I was falling asleep, so we gave up. In fact I then spent a ridiuclously long amount of time typing out the bullet points of this trip so I would have them to seed the full blog post later. It took forever because I kept falling asleep while typing. So exhausted.
But overall it was a very enjoyable day getting to spend plenty of time with my kids and then going on a date with my husband and seeing old friends. A+ day.
Clara Lynn,
Daily inventory,
date night,
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