Jack has been having a rough week just because he's so incredibly busy. Today he had a few problems with study partners and other issues, plus he is overwhelmed with schoolwork on top of some important events at work this week. Plus he has to get up at 3am tomorrow for a work thing. I got home a bit before 9pm and he was trying to get to sleep, but he was too stressed and kept venting about the various frustrating things that happened yesterday. I can appreciate that--I vent all the time--but it was keeping him from winding down. Eventually I asked him to tell me three things about today that went well, and they can't be backwards bad things (e.g. "I'm glad that stupid girl in my class finally shut up.")
Immediately Jack said he was glad he got an A on his microbiology test he'd just taken. Then he thought for a minute or two. He said he's glad his younger brother is gearing up to finish a degree. And he's glad he has his own family. <3 So that made me feel good, and I think it made him feel a little better too. Then he went to sleep.
I am just so proud of how hard he works and how well he's doing. I know I just said that in my last blog post, but it's a continual joy.
In other news, I got my first data back from my research and it looks good! Doable, for sure. So that's incredibly encouraging. I have a lot of work ahead of me but it's easier to do if I believe it will end the way I want (with an interesting thesis and a master's degree!)
I got the data back this quickly because today two of my lab mates, Janice and Erin, spent hours with me in lab putting together the reagents and prepping the assay I needed to analyze my samples. They were analyzing their own stuff in the same assay, so it wasn't all charity, but it was hugely helpful to me because they've had more practice than I have. Plus lab is much more enjoyable when there are other people there to talk to and joke with while I'm waiting for my samples to run. So I was grateful for that too!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
11.18.14 - Getting through lab work
My research is well on its way now, which is great. The fire trials last Saturday went much better than the trials had gone on Friday, and I'm spending much of this week seeing what data I can get from the samples. But that means I am in lab for hours on end, often by myself. So I just wanted to say I am grateful for (1) Skype, (2) Netflix, and (3) Pandora. It makes a huge difference when I'm not sitting for hours in silence.
Skype is the best option because I can visit with my family all over the country while I'm also getting work done, so I don't feel lonely or bored and I keep up those relationships. Last Friday I skyped first with Julie (and Zoey), then Mom, then Everett. Yesterday I skyped with Neil and Everett for hours. Even when we're not talking much, it's still a little bit like having people around.
I also forgot to mention I'm grateful for my friend Shane. He's already graduated from our program but he's still around once or twice a week for some paid work he does, and he gives me great input and support on my research. Last Thursday night he even carried much of my supplies to my car in preparation for the fire station, so I wouldn't have to carry more than 20lbs at a time. He's a sweetheart.
Also, I am so proud of Jack. He works so hard, both at work and at school, and I find it very impressive. He's got a lot of exams and projects going on in the days before Thanksgiving break, and he has been hitting it hard morning-to-night and then dropping in bed exhausted in preparation for the next day. I can't think of much to help him except peer review his papers and keep making food. He's doing such a good job. And he took time out of all of that the other night to disconnect our stupid crazy loud dryer buzzer so it would stop scaring me every time. So that's even sweeter!
And, on a final note, in a week we will be on Thanksgiving vacation with my family in Colorado! I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and to Jack having a little time off. Should be great.
Skype is the best option because I can visit with my family all over the country while I'm also getting work done, so I don't feel lonely or bored and I keep up those relationships. Last Friday I skyped first with Julie (and Zoey), then Mom, then Everett. Yesterday I skyped with Neil and Everett for hours. Even when we're not talking much, it's still a little bit like having people around.
I also forgot to mention I'm grateful for my friend Shane. He's already graduated from our program but he's still around once or twice a week for some paid work he does, and he gives me great input and support on my research. Last Thursday night he even carried much of my supplies to my car in preparation for the fire station, so I wouldn't have to carry more than 20lbs at a time. He's a sweetheart.
Also, I am so proud of Jack. He works so hard, both at work and at school, and I find it very impressive. He's got a lot of exams and projects going on in the days before Thanksgiving break, and he has been hitting it hard morning-to-night and then dropping in bed exhausted in preparation for the next day. I can't think of much to help him except peer review his papers and keep making food. He's doing such a good job. And he took time out of all of that the other night to disconnect our stupid crazy loud dryer buzzer so it would stop scaring me every time. So that's even sweeter!
And, on a final note, in a week we will be on Thanksgiving vacation with my family in Colorado! I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and to Jack having a little time off. Should be great.
Daily inventory,
Saturday, November 15, 2014
11.15.14 - Jack and the dryer
Jack is trying--with great difficulty--to take the back panel off of our dryer so he can disconnect the ridiculously loud buzzer. Just now I hear him from the other room: "I'm glad the person who designed this old Whirlpool is probably DEAD!"
11.15.14 - Focusing on the positive
This morning Jack got up way before me to get ready to go to an early study group. Awhile after he got up, I woke up briefly. I laid on my back with my hands on my stomach and felt Clara kick and move occasionally, and I could hear Jack singing to himself in the shower, and I thought "I already love my little tiny family." :)
Yesterday wasn't a great day because I started my fire trials at the fire station for my research, and they were very frustrating. However, after the fire station I went back to lab and vented to our program's very maternal secretary, who was comforting and helped me come up with some options. I also went to buy charcoal at the local hardware store, and the clerk who helped me asked a lot of questions and showed a lot of interest. It was satisfying to tell him about my project; it made the project seem cool to me again, instead of hopeless. :-P The clerk also got a cart and put the charcoal in the cart for me, since I'm not supposed to lift more than 20lbs. So that was a nice gesture. AND the store was filled with pretty happy Christmas decor, and even though it's a bit early for me for Christmas, it was very cheerful.
I leave in about half an hour to try the fire trials again. We'll see how it goes.
Yesterday wasn't a great day because I started my fire trials at the fire station for my research, and they were very frustrating. However, after the fire station I went back to lab and vented to our program's very maternal secretary, who was comforting and helped me come up with some options. I also went to buy charcoal at the local hardware store, and the clerk who helped me asked a lot of questions and showed a lot of interest. It was satisfying to tell him about my project; it made the project seem cool to me again, instead of hopeless. :-P The clerk also got a cart and put the charcoal in the cart for me, since I'm not supposed to lift more than 20lbs. So that was a nice gesture. AND the store was filled with pretty happy Christmas decor, and even though it's a bit early for me for Christmas, it was very cheerful.
I leave in about half an hour to try the fire trials again. We'll see how it goes.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Leonid Afremov
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Here's his website: http://afremov.com/ |
His paintings are so beautiful, and so many of them are rain-themed with colorful trees that they mostly remind me of the prettiest parts of autumn.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
11.11.14 - Supportive husband & daddy
was a good day.
First of
all, I had my monthly check up. Clara is healthy. Also, the doctor was very
reassuring about my weight. I told her the nurse practitioner had told me to
shoot for gaining 20lbs and I’d already gained 25lbs, and she responded that
she doesn’t like to give women a specific number because we (as women) really
fixate on that. She said she gained 60lbs with all three of her pregnancies,
regardless of how much she watched what she ate. She said that if I was gaining
faster than she thought I ought to be she would tell me, and if she’s not
saying anything about my weight I shouldn’t worry. I felt much better about
At some
point during the day Jack called me while he was commuting from one class to
another. I mentioned that I wish I had better maternity clothes because most of
mine are very plain and kind of old, but I didn’t want to spend the money. He
said he thought I should go ahead and get some. Specifically he said, “I think
it’s important that you feel good in the clothes you’re in, especially since
you don’t feel that great in the body you’re in right now.” I thought that was
incredibly sweet and insightful.
That night after he was home, he went with me
to the Motherhood Maternity store at the mall and helped me find some clothes
on sale to try on. At first I was surprised at how helpful and observant he was
about sizes and styles and so on, and then I remembered he sells women’s
clothes (okay, shoes) for a living. He even sat in the waiting area of the
dressing room and let me show him the clothes as I tried them on and remarked
on how round I look and how awesome he thinks it is. Ultimately I got two pairs
of jeans that fit me much better than the one maternity pair I already have,
and one cute top.
It was
expensive, even on sale, and I felt uncomfortable about how much we spent. Jack
told me to take some of it out of his discretionary fund for the month, which is also super
sweet, but I think I will sell one of our Amazon gift cards for cash instead. I
told Jack it’s sweet that he wants to spoil me but that he thinks we’re richer
than we are. He said, “We are rich –
on love!” I retorted, “We can’t use love to pay off our credit card!” “Actually,
I didn’t tell you, but we can!” Then we fantasized about what life would be
like if people could translate how happy their significant others were into
purchasing power.
We also watched some little kids and a tiny little baby
hanging out by the giant Christmas tree in the center of the mall. The baby was
just old enough to stand up if she was holding onto something for balance. We laughed
over that and talked about how much fun it will be to raise Clara.
This morning
Jack told me that at some point last night he got up to use the bathroom, and
when he came back to bed (I was sound asleep) he felt my stomach and felt Clara
kick. So instead of going straight to sleep he laid there and felt her kick a
bunch of times (“She was kicking like crazy! I’m surprised you didn’t wake up!”)
and just enjoyed it. I think it’s cool that he found a way to have a moment “alone”
with her and that he’s so happy about all of it.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Saturday, November 1, 2014
11.1.14 - Craft day!
This evening my friends Janice and Erin came over for a small potluck dinner and making cards.
But let me back up - early this morning I got an email from the craft store Michael's saying all of their fall and Halloween decor is 80% off. I wanted to go check it out because I LOVE craft stores, but I didn't want to check it out because we don't need craft supplies so I don't want to waste money. I told Jack my conundrum and he encouraged me to go. He said part of the reason he likes where we live is because I make it feel like a home, and part of the way I do that is with crafts, and it's a sale anyway. (Jack may not be good for our budget. :-P)
Anyway, so I went, and I'm glad I did. Everything was almost gone already! The autumn stuff was confined to the sidewalk and very front of the store, and the rest of the store was either the year-round crafts or Christmas decor. There was a line to the register of people snatching up the fall craft supplies. But! I did get there in time to get this beautiful autumn wreath - normally $40 - for $8. Since I can still use it through Thanksgiving and then use it again year after year, I felt it was well worth the $8.
Janice and Erin came over in the evening and both of them talked about how home-y my apartment felt, which makes me feel great. We ate our potluck at an actual dining table (at our old apartment we always ate around the coffee table in the living room). I made my green and gold bake, Janice made a great fruit salad with honey drizzle, and Erin brought this amazing autumnal chocolate cake for dessert:
The entire time we listened to the Pandora station "Ragtime Mama Blues," which is pleasant but not distracting. We talked and joked, I don't even remember about what, and laughed a lot, and it was just a great time. As they were getting ready to leave at the oh-so-late time of like 8:30pm, I thought about how 5 or more years ago I would've probably spent a Saturday night at a club dancing and drinking. And that can be a ton of fun too. But I really enjoy just hanging out with a few people who also like to get creative, and I had a great time.
But let me back up - early this morning I got an email from the craft store Michael's saying all of their fall and Halloween decor is 80% off. I wanted to go check it out because I LOVE craft stores, but I didn't want to check it out because we don't need craft supplies so I don't want to waste money. I told Jack my conundrum and he encouraged me to go. He said part of the reason he likes where we live is because I make it feel like a home, and part of the way I do that is with crafts, and it's a sale anyway. (Jack may not be good for our budget. :-P)
Anyway, so I went, and I'm glad I did. Everything was almost gone already! The autumn stuff was confined to the sidewalk and very front of the store, and the rest of the store was either the year-round crafts or Christmas decor. There was a line to the register of people snatching up the fall craft supplies. But! I did get there in time to get this beautiful autumn wreath - normally $40 - for $8. Since I can still use it through Thanksgiving and then use it again year after year, I felt it was well worth the $8.
While I was there I also bought two paper punches: a fall leaf punch and a snowflake punch (both also on sale). Those turned out to be a great idea.
"Corn cake": chocolate cake with Reeses Pieces in the frosting. |
We also spent a few hours making holiday cards, and we all used the punches liberally. Erin decided to make a Christmas card because she can't wait for Christmas, so she took the snowflake punch. But Janice and I took turns with the fall leaf punch and both got a kick out of it, haha.
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Btw, this is a great use of scrap construction paper! |
My coffee table, midway through our projects. |
11.1.14 - You're my sweetheart!
I was in the living room on my laptop with The Lumineers "Ho Hey" on repeat. Jack spontaneously came out of the bedroom into the living room to kiss me a bunch of times. Me, laughing: "How are you doing?" Jack: "Good! I like this song. Also, I came over to kiss you because you smell like potatoes."
Also, earlier today he told me that he really likes our apartment, and a big part of the reason he likes it is because I've put it together so nicely and made it feel like a home. :) :)
And finally: we still don't say the "l-word" that often just because we never said it the first 5 years of our relationship and so we aren't really in the habit. We say it more now that we're married, but it still probably amounts to maybe weekly. I like it that way, because I know when he says "I love you" he's really feeling it and not saying it out of habit like "Have a good day" or something.
I probably say it less than him, so, ever since we've been married, when I do say "I love you" he always gasps and smiles. It used to be the gasp was genuine, but now he gasps just to make me laugh. Today before he went to work I told him "I love you" and he gasped, and I laughed, and I said "Are you going to gasp every time I say that for the rest of my life?" and he retorted, "I don't know, are you going to keep saying that for the rest of my life?" Haha.
Also, earlier today he told me that he really likes our apartment, and a big part of the reason he likes it is because I've put it together so nicely and made it feel like a home. :) :)
And finally: we still don't say the "l-word" that often just because we never said it the first 5 years of our relationship and so we aren't really in the habit. We say it more now that we're married, but it still probably amounts to maybe weekly. I like it that way, because I know when he says "I love you" he's really feeling it and not saying it out of habit like "Have a good day" or something.
I probably say it less than him, so, ever since we've been married, when I do say "I love you" he always gasps and smiles. It used to be the gasp was genuine, but now he gasps just to make me laugh. Today before he went to work I told him "I love you" and he gasped, and I laughed, and I said "Are you going to gasp every time I say that for the rest of my life?" and he retorted, "I don't know, are you going to keep saying that for the rest of my life?" Haha.
Daily inventory,
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