Thursday, October 27, 2011

10.27.11 - Oblivious

So a few weeks ago I started one-on-one tutoring with a 4th grade girl at the local Boys and Girls Club, and so far it’s been really nice.  She is working on reading comprehension, so I’ve been writing out multiple choice questions for her as we read a Nancy Drew book.  I also have her circle any words she doesn’t understand.  One of the words she circles last night was “oblivious.”  I told her it means you don’t know what’s going on, you are unaware.  “For example, if you are asleep, you’re oblivious.  If you are watching TV and you are sucked into the show, you’re oblivious to whatever else is going on around you.”

Normally she reads out loud to me, and she did for most of last night.  However I had to leave early yesterday so, in order to finish the chapter before I left, I read the last couple pages to her.  For those of you who haven’t read Nancy Drew books (shame) every chapter ends in a little cliffhanger.  When I finished this chapter, she got wide-eyed and asked me to keep going.  I told her we could pick it up next week.  She said “But I feel like that word we learned! I’m oblivious!!”

It was the cutest thing, haha.  So proud.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

10.2.11 - Jack's Birthday

Many good things happened today:

1) Got to sleep in.  In silence.
2) Beautiful weather.
3) Chocolate chip pancake and turkey sausage "breakfast" (around noon.)
4) Jack got nice bday cards/gifts in the mail.
5) Jack had time to take a nap (he works crazy, long, fluctuating hours so it's good he gets some real rest for a change) while I had time to visit with Neil, whom I hadn't seen in person in several weeks.
6) Jack really liked the robe I got him, and wore it around the house unnecessarily until it was time to go to Berkeley for wall ball. 
7) Lots of great wall ball with good friends during which I got some great footage and got to visit with people when they got out.
8) Hawaiian pizza!  Also other pizza.  Also Riesling, free Starbucks chocolate chip cookies, chicken hearts and Briskit.  Not necessarily in that order.
9) A long back-and-forth (good) Tichu game.
10) Lots of laughs with Neil as we made a few montages of the wall ball footage.

Birthday = Success!
