This morning I got up a little early and made a (diet) cherry coke salad
to chill in the fridge a few hours. Shortly after I finished, Henry came over, and we visited while waiting for Jack to get up and about. Then we all headed to the Berkeley wall for the largest wall ball turnout I've yet seen. There were enough people to play on both sides of the wall, and to later play a huge tournament-style game or several. Julie came and got to play. Dad and I watched; I, because I dislike sports and running, and Dad because his knees are sore. It was good to have him to visit with.
The games went on a long time and were sometimes hilarious to watch. Very competitive. Afterward, nearly everyone retired to Doug's house for a potluck barbecue. Far too much food, which was awesome. Brats, burgers, salads, corn, grilled zucchini (mmmmmm), pies, cookies, smores, etc. I taught three new people (including Julie) Tichu, spreading the Tichu love, and then I played in different Tichu games for a few hours. Finally we left, exhausted, and poor Jack still has to go to work! (He works overnight tonight.)
We didn't see any fireworks, but overall it was a very fun day.