Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mom's poem "Walkin'"

Mom wrote this poem a few years ago, and took a walk today which made her think of it again. 

January 2006

Walkin’ again.

Hey—it’s kinda windy…
HEY! Whoa! Steady now.
Aw—man! Gotta lean into it!
Really—leaning into it
Just to not fall back.

New shoes
::gasp!:: They breathe!

Roundin’ the corner.
Agh—hair in the face
Stickin’ to my lips.
Whoa—burst of wind,
Tryin’ to keep my balance.

Look at all those leaves!
They are crazy!
Herds and groups and cliques
Dancin’, flockin’, followin’.
Circles, then this way, then that way.
Oh—ooh! I’m gonna run into’m!
Ah, that wasn’t so bad.
They don’t hit me in the head.

Uh-oh. A dog runnin’ loose.
Look out, doggie! Cars comin’!
Wait—look out, me!
Dog runnin’ loose!
Turn around.

Not as windy for a moment.
Ah, there it is.

Trees swayin’ stretchin’.
Ahhhh, feels good.
Me, too.

Leaves pounding the pavement.
Getting smaller and smaller as
The concrete rips’m up.

On top of the hill now—yikes!!
Wind pushin’ my right foot
Into my left with each step.
Careful now.

EWF in my ears.
“Serpentine Fire” best rhythm
For a fast walk pace.

Pocket of calm.
Skin tingles from suddenly
No wind.
Now wind again.

See my shadow.
Chief Wild Hair.
Nothin’ I can do about it.
Wind pushes me home.

Hands still tinglin’—even now.
“Jul, don’t go rollerbladin’