Wednesday, February 28, 2018

2.28.18 - February joy statuses

2.28.18 - "This is how far we've come."

The World Economic Forum had an article taking a slightly longer view of human progress, and it was so encouraging. You can read the full article and details here, but I'm just going to repost (some of) the graphics.

Monday, February 19, 2018

2.19.18 - More kid snippets

Whenever we read "But not the Hippopotamus" Clara gets so excited for the end when I enthusiastically proclaim "But YES the hippopotamus!" She grins hugely and clenches her fists like she does and once I say it she giggles and giggles.

Clara tucks Hobbes and Bobo in to go to sleep.

Jack is usually the one to put Clara to bed lately (while I nurse Jane to sleep in the other room), and he always says "Good night, girl" right before shutting the nursery door, so now Clara says that too. As he's about to shut the door her little voice pipes up "Good night, girl!" So cute.

Making a pretty impressive train.

Three nights ago as I was working at the dining room table, Jane crawled underneath the table and happily hung out there for 15-20 minutes just lying on her back kicking and looking up at everything.

Having a great time just hanging out under the table.

I sat on the living room floor while Clara sat in my lap and we read books. When each book was finished she would jump up and run to the bookshelf to pick out another. We probably read five books. Up until recently she wouldn't let me read anything to her; she only wanted to read them herself. But lately she says "Sit down" meaning she wants me to sit on the floor. If I do, she sits in my lap and waits for me to read the book. So that's been pretty wonderful.

Jane tagged along when we were reading both on the living room floor and when we moved to Clara's bed to keep reading. Jane just sat near us and kind of bounced around, happy to be part of the action. After I put Clara to bed I tried to nurse Jane to sleep, but she wasn't tired. So I held her in my arms and she got very excited about the calendar on our bedroom wall. She stared intently at it and cooed and tried to touch it. Her coos are absolutely adorable.

Last night I gave Clara a bath. She sang as best she could to some of her Youtube videos while she played with all her plastic boats. She also has a plastic elephant that you can dip in the water and then set on the side of the bath and the water pours out his trunk. She loves that. For a first tonight she did decently with me putting soap on her. It may have helped that I told her in advance "Okay, I'm going to put some on your tummy" etc. to warn her. She seemed very nervous but handled it well. Still doesn't like having water poured even on the very back of her head though. It makes it hard to get all the shampoo out but I guess there are worse problems. She kept singing her songs about emotions, and even as we were drying her off and getting her dressed she sang the Patty Shukla song "Feelings," only when she sings the chorus she sings, "Beeling! Beelings! Beelings that I show! Beelings that Iiiii knowwwwww!" and it is incredibly cute.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

2.17.18 - Lunch in Vacaville

Today I went to Vacaville to meet Rachel halfway (and Erin in town) so we could take Rachel to lunch for her birthday.

Unfortunately there was an accident on the highway, so GPS told me to take a much longer (but in this case faster) roundabout way.

But it turns out the route was through pretty beautiful country side with big sprawling fields and barns and everything. There were not many cars at all. It was a beauitful day: blue skies, comfortable temps. I even had to stop to let a train pass.

I also talked to Julie nearly the whole drive there, which made the time go by faster and made me feel I was making good use of that time. (In my mind, my never-ending to do list includes keeping up with my siblings and other people I'm close to.) We talked a lot about our marriages and heterosexual relationships in general and the book she recentl finished reading: Boys Adrift.

I pulled into the parking lot near the Thai restaurant just as Rachel and Erin were each doing the same. The restaurant we picked is apparently very popular and had a 30 minute wait, so we decided to use that time to take Rachel's dogs for a quick walk (she had brought them with her from the bay area) and maybe get some Starbucks. The Starbucks was in walking distance but not in range of the little buzzer we had to let us know when it would be our turn to be seated, so Erin stayed in range with the dogs and Rachel and I walked a little further. It gave us a chance to talk more and catch up and I enjoyed that.

The Starbucks was in a Safeway and the poor barista was the only one there so she had to ring people up and then stop and make their drinks. So the whole thing actually took forever but Rachel and I were talking so much I hardly noticed. I got an iced mocha in time for us to go directly back to the restaurant to sit to eat, but that was fine with me.

The food was delicious and in huge quantities. I ate part of mine (a chicken pineapple thing) for lunch and later at the rest for a filling dinner. We also had great conversations about relationships and traveling and work. We were there a while, in a corner booth. It was very pleasant.

Afterward there was another accident on the highway (come on people) so I talked to Neil most of the way back, which was satisfying if not specifically "enjoyable" because mostly we were venting about politics. Still it was good to talk to him. Anyway most weekends I try to catch up on domestic stuff and get some more work done, so it was nice to have a day off to do something fun.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

2.7.18 - Dad is a liar

Yesterday Jack received a package in the mail containing this:

So Jack called Dad and when the phone when to voicemail, Jack left a message saying something like "Hi this is Jack calling for Leo. Leo if you get this message can you give me a call?''

Today--as is the case nearly every day--Dad called me about work-related stuff, and then he said he got a weird voicemail from Jack and he thinks Jack might have called the wrong number. I explained that, no, we received an SSRO letter and trophy, and Dad tried to act like he had no idea what I was talking about. I said "Stop trying, this letter is clearly from you!" When he continued to deny it, I read him the whole letter, especially emphasizing the phrase "My shame runs deep," which is a quote Dad has said many times over the years that's originally from Parker Lewis Can't Lose.

Specifically from Jerry Steiner, the guy on the left.

At this point I could hear Dad smiling over the phone as he explained that he had sold "the rights" (the rights???) to the SSRO to "some guys" and he can't control what they do with that information. I said, "So your argument is that, first of all, there are 'rights' to the SSRO, and that they went to guys who have our address, know Parker Lewis Can't Lose, and sent us a reward?? And a trophy I've seen sitting around at your house?" When he stuck with that story, I suggested he call Jack to explain, and he said "Why should I have to justify what other people do?" "Justify?? Like your reputation is getting sullied with generosity?" He just laughed.

My dad is such a goof.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

2.4.18 - Family Time

Today is Superbowl Sunday, which actually means it was a great day to spend time out and about with my family--everyone else was at Superbowl parties, I guess.

Jack dropped the girls off at Beth's in the morning and I managed to get just enough work in to negate the childcare costs. Then he and I went for sushi in Folsom (so we'd be nearby to pick the kids up), and the place we chose was almost completely empty. We sat at the bar and got immediate service. Maybe for the first time in my life I was smart enough to order only two sushi rolls. I always forget how big sushi rolls are or how full I am after eating them and I always order too much. Not this time! I got two sushi rolls and Jack got a bento box and we split them and it was delicious. We chatted about politics and my very interesting conversation with Kale last night (he and Henry and Erin had come over for Tichu and then he and Henry stayed super late just talking with me). Anyway it was a very nice lunch date.

Clara points out the parrot.

We finished earlier than we needed to pick up the girls, who were still having their afternoon naps at Beth's. So we ran over to Starbucks, got frappuccinos for dessert, and enjoyed them while popping into the Dollar Tree for cheap sunglasses. Then we went and got the girls, both of whom were surprised and delighted to see us. I love that.

Seeing a deer very up close.

We drove the two miles or so to the Folsom Zoo Sanctuary, and it was excellent! Even though it's February it was about 70 degrees out; couldn't have asked for better weather. And either because it's February or because it's Superbowl Sunday (or both) there was hardly anyone there. It was very spacious and clean. I love the boardwalks they've built. And almost all of the animals were easily visible in their cages--some of them very close! In fact--just as I remember from childhood--they had peacocks roaming free around the zoo. They are so beautiful and it was cool to get to see them so close. I also liked how they had plaques at every cage explaining the animal's name and some trivia about him or her. Jane had no idea what was going on but seemed to be happy about it anyway, and Clara seemed to really enjoy it. So did Jack and I.

My height compared to a bear.

Jack's length compared to a bear.

After we'd gone through the whole zoo we decided to walk over to the adjacent playground. Obviously all the equipment is different than 20-25 years ago, but it's the same layout I remember from childhood, including the stadium next to it where we went to watch rodeos during the fourth of July. It was so surreal to be taking my own children to the same area.

Clara and Jane really enjoy the peacock photo set up.

Jack played with Clara on the playground, starting with the little kids area (which included rocking horses and "big kid" swings, and moving to the bigger kids area and even to the steeper slides. I enjoyed just relaxing on the park bench and cuddling Jane while she checked out mine and Clara's bottles, the pattern of the bench, and all the kids, parents, and pets running around. It was really relaxing and fun.

Jane is very interested in my phone.
Great video of Clara going down the big slide.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

2.3.18 - Tichu, nachos, and good talks

Sadly I don't have time to write this entry in as much detail as I'd like, but today Kale, Henry, and Erin came over for a nacho potluck and Tichu. Joys include Kale adding a flippin' ton of bacon and ground beef to the nachos, Erin bringing gluten free chocolate chip cookies, Henry playing "Sleeep...WAKE UP!" with Clara, and Jack getting super psyched when he and Kale came back from a major point deficit and won Tichu (one turn after getting a Grand Tichu).

But beyond all that was the 2 hours or so after Erin left and Clara went to bed when Kale and I talked in detail and earnestness about topics such as whether humans have value and where morality comes from (especially if you're a secularist, as he and I both are). Henry sat quietly and listened the whole time (and told me later he found it interesting and definitely wasn't bored, haha). Kale and I didn't see eye to eye on many things but one of my all time favorite aspects of Kale is how readily he will admit when he's unsure of an assertion or when he thinks I have a point. Debating with him is unlike debating with almost anyone else I know because it's so sincere and no one seems to really be trying to win (okay, maybe I still try a little). Even though we disagreed on a lot--including ideas that are very important to me--at the end of the conversation I felt maybe closer to him than ever, and I felt a deep affection for both him and Henry for being interested in talking through these sorts of topics with me. So above everything else, tonight my joy inventory includes my friendships with those guys.