Saturday, November 1, 2003

11.1.03 - L'abri kitchen duty goofs

"I helped Sunny prepare for Sunday dinner with Newbs for this afternoon. We made a *ton* of cinnamon rolls, it was fun and smelled like Christmas. Caleb kept sneaking dough when the other two weren't looking. Finally I was like 'Caleb Slade, why do you have to be so difficult?!' And he gave an evil laugh 'Because I can!'

Then we had tea break and I was sitting in the lounge between Ben and Katie and Caleb walks in with the most malicious look on his face and takes a big bite of dough right in front of me. So of course I jumped up to "attack" him and spilled Ben's tea all over his already very muddy pants (from volleyball) nonetheless it was funny. Caleb: 'Did you guys see the violence in her eyes?!'

We finished cinnamon rolls early and I went back down to Farel to read a bit more. We had dinner with 34 people, I don't know why there were so many, and I volunteered for dishes with Caleb, Jordon, and Sarah K, which ended up being a towel-whipping war between us and also Ben, Michael, Katie, Melissa, oh it was crazy. And hilarious."