Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I just think this is gorgeous.

(I found it on Pinterest but, sadly, the source page no longer works.)

Friday, July 25, 2014

7.25.14 - A few notes of gratitude during a rough phase.

Jack and I have been having major problems with our apartment and apartment complex management. I don't want to detail it because I'd rather not relive it when I go back and look at my Joy Inventory. However I'm really grateful for the supportive friends I have in the area.

My friend Rachel is letting Jack and me stay in her house until we can move to a new apartment (which we will begin doing late next week). Not only is she opening her extra bedroom to us, but since she and her boyfriend are going to be on a road trip almost the whole time, she opened her actual bedroom (with a more comfortable bed) to us. She also encouraged us to use her dishes, eat any food she left in the fridge, use the air conditioner, and use her washer and dryer. I am so touched by her generosity and I am so relieved to have somewhere else to stay during this transition period.

My friend Shannon has repeatedly offered to help or just provide general social support if I ever need it. I've taken her up on that several times, including sleeping in her bed for afternoon naps when we were still stuck at the apartment and I was getting no sleep, and including letting her make me dinner one night, and just last night asking her if we could hang out because I was lonely with Jack gone so much. I spent the evening with her at her friend Mike's (also a sweetheart) and we just chatted about politics and family and funny internet memes and we had hot wings. Mike wouldn't let me give him any cash for the food. And he had Diet Coke in his house just because he knew I was coming. Seriously, how sweet are my friends? They make feel very taken care of and lucky.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

7.17.14 - Weird Al saves the day.

Recently I've been very stressed out on a daily basis, and I'm having a hard time staying in a good mood. That's why it's so wonderful when, despite being frustrated, something can really make me laugh. This week Weird Al has been releasing videos once a day for his newest album, and so far all of them have made me laugh. I've even put the songs on my iPod already so I can listen to them while driving to and from school, and they make me laugh. It's really quite a relief.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Porch swings

One of my favorite parts of the 4th of July visit to Dad's.