Monday, July 27, 2020

7.27.20 - Kid snippets: Clara will pay me later

I had a nicer phone headset. The cord was dragging on the ground near my desk. Jack accidentally ran it over with the vaccuum. The phone headset is no more. Jack was angry about this.

Jack: *grumbles*
Me: It's fine, accidents happen.
Clara: It's okay! It can still work!
Me: No, babe, it doesn't work anymore.
Clara: Well it's okay. We can buy a new one!
Me: Honey when things cost money we really try not to destroy them. ...Also just in general, actually.
Clara: Yeah but we can still buy a new one.
Me: Are you going to give me money to buy a new one?
Clara: Yeah!
Me: Oh good, can I have it?
Clara: Yeah! Just when I grow up.

Friday, July 24, 2020

7.24.20 - Kid snippets: Clara is glad I'm here in the morning

Every Tues, Wed, Thurs I leave for work around 5:30 am and get home around 7:30 pm. I see the kids briefly, usually while I'm pretty tired, and I have to get to bed soon to get up for the next shift. I don't mind because I get most of a work week done in 3 days, but I think the kids mind a little bit. On Thursday nights when I'm putting them to bed, I remind them I will still be here in the morning.

Just now, out of nowhere, Clara said "Mom? I love you. And I'm so glad in the morning you're here!"

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

7.22.20 - Joy status: my job makes me feel supported

My job makes me feel supported both professionally and otherwise. Multiple analysts are helping train me to qualify for more complicated tasks. People frequently bring in bagels or homemade baked goods to share with everyone. Most of the lab is now saving their non-confidential extra paper for me to take home to Clara (who produces like 10+ drawings a day now). And yesterday my boss asked me if I'd like his previous laptop (for free!) I really get along with all my coworkers and it makes me look forward to going to work.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

7/19/20 - Kid snippets: Jane puts me "in jail," Clara won't go to sleep

Jane colored a picture I really liked and later I thought she had thrown it away. I didn't see it in the trash and found it among a bunch of papers on the kitchen table. I put it on the top of the tall bookshelf and told the girls I was saving it.

Jane: Nooo! Dat's mine!
Me: Oh do you want it? You can have it [I hand it to her]
Jane: Don't thwow it away!
Me: I'm not going to hon.
Jane: Don't. Don't thow it away Mama!
Me: Babe, I'm not!
Jane: I want to keep it.
Me: I want to keep it too.
Jane: You'll make me angwy.
Me, laughing: Babe, I'm not going to throw it away
Jane: 5 minutes! 5 minutes *in jail*.

And, from about a week ago: Clara is trying to stall going to bed. Jane passed out long ago but Clara keeps getting up. She's allowed to get out of bed to use the bathroom but she's already done that. Since then she's come out to ask if she can eat something, look in the bathroom mirror, draw something, and other activities. When I got her to go back to her room I could hear her get out of bed and stand near the door so I told her to go back to bed. I heard her scamper but to be sure she actually got back in bed I went in the nursery to check. As I was leaving again, she said "Mom? MOM!" Me: "Clara, WHAT?" Her: "...what is gravity?"

Friday, July 17, 2020

7/17/20 - Kid snippets: Clara goes back to sleep

Clara woke up at 6:45am and wanted us to get up because "it's morning!" I told her we were too tired and she needs to go back to bed and read until at least 7:15am. She argued at first but eventually did it. Then she fell back asleep and slept until 9:15am. #winning

Saturday, July 11, 2020

7/11/20 - Kid snippets: Bobo in time out

Clara pretended Bobo kicked a toy and then she put him in time out and then had the mama teddy bear keep reprimanding Bobo that he has "five more minutes." Then she and Jane asked me to put the microwave timer on for 5 mins.

Jane often refers to Calvin as "buddy" or "little buddy." "Here comes buddy!" "Little buddy needs his bottle!"

Friday, July 10, 2020

7.10.20 - Joy status: making kids like music

At my kids' ages, I can make them like basically any song just by getting into the song myself. Now when "The Room Where It Happens" from Hamilton plays, Calvin starts giggling and Jane wants everyone to get up and dance, lol.

Monday, July 6, 2020

7.6.20 - Joy status: dancing for the girls

Jack moved the coffee table to vaccuum. The open space inspired Clara to ask if we could have a dance party. So we put on a playlist of the kids' favorite songs to dance to and Jane and Clara started twirling around while Calvin held on to the side of the couch and grinned at them. Jack and I started dancing too, and the girls stopped to watch us. When Jack twirled me, Clara clasped her hands together in front of her chin and in a total mom voice said "Awwww."

Sunday, July 5, 2020

7/5/20 - Kid snippets: Calvin can't get down, Clara can't pour milk

Calvin can pull himself up to standing by holding on to the coffee table, dining room chairs, lower shelves of bookshelves, etc. But he doesn't know how to get back down. So several times a day he starts fussing and rocking back and forth while holding on to the furniture, waiting for someone to rescue him. If I walk up behind him and lightly rest my hands just below his arms, he immediately relaxes and falls into my hands before sitting back on the floor.

In other news, this morning Clara (barely) hit her thigh against the table and started fussing, and Jane immediately directed me to go get Clara some ice. Later Clara walked up to me to ask for a washcloth with milk dripping down her hair and chest. She had gotten the gallon of milk out of the fridge and tried to pour it into her cup on the kitchen counter, which requires lifting the milk above her head. Noble effort.

And as I write this Calvin has crawled to me, pulled himself up to holding on to my leg, and is babbling to himself and licking my knee.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

7.4.20 - Joy status: FOR-EV-ER

We've had a wonderful 4th (pictures forthcoming), and now we're watching The Sandlot, which is the first time our children and Henry have seen it. And Jack and I haven't seen it in years, and we're loving it. FOR-EV-ER!