Sunday, February 28, 2021

2.28.21 - Kid snippets: Clara learns about gravity

Clara, standing on an end table in the living room (totally not supposed to do that, btw).

Clara: Mom, I'm going to learn about gravity.
*She holds up a piece of paper in one hand, a large bouncy ball in another.
*She makes sure I'm watching.
*Drops both
Clara: See? The ball goes faster because it is heavier than the piece of paper. Heavier things fall faster.

I actually don't know why she knows that but I'll take it.

Friday, February 19, 2021

2.19.21 - Kid snippets: "I will worry about both of us!"

From earlier this week, as relayed to me by Jack:

Jack: Clara, you need to go sit on the potty.
Clara: But you didn't brush your teeth.
J: Those aren't related. Go sit on the potty.
C: You need to brush your teeth!
J: Don't worry about me, worry about yourself!
C: I will worry about BOTH of us!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

2.16.21 - joy status: long power cords

Really long power cords, the sock slippers Julie got me for Christmas, my fingerless gloves.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Saturday, February 13, 2021

2.13.21 - Kid snippets: "I can ask how I want!"

Clara: Mom!
Me: Yeah?
C: You're not listening!
M: You haven't said anything.
C: Before - I *said* get me a belt.
M: Hey Clara?
C: Yes?
M: Of the two of us, which one is the mom?
C: (shyly)
M: And which one is the daughter?
C: (giggling) me!
M: And are daughters supposed to tell moms what to do?
C: (back to shy) ((quietly))
M: No. You can say "Mom can you please get me a belt?" But you do not say "Mom you're not listening, I **said**..." Now do you want to try again?
C: (quietly) Can you please get me a belt?
M: (cheerfully) Sure!
C: (loud again) AND when *I* grow up I can ask how I want!

Jane finished her lunch so she got to have a gluten free (woohoo!) Oreo. Calvin was not done yet and I didn't want him to see hers so I told her to hide it. She smiled slyly at him, which he didn't notice at all, and held the Oreo behind her back. Then she turned around, hand behind her back fully visible, and slyly walked away. (Fortunately he still didn't notice.)

Clara and Jane are watching this video about different sized stars, and it has a moment where it explains that if the earth was as close to one of these other giant stars as it is to our sun, it would be inside the star and "we would all be very dead."

Clara: Mom, if the sun gets to us we will all fall down and die! So quick! We have to hurry hurry hurry!
Me, laughing: What are we hurrying to do?
Clara: We got to get off the earth and into space where it's safe.
Me: Good idea.
Clara: I will ask the alien to take us somewhere safe from the sun. But before the Earth dies, we must put on our astronaut clothes BEFORE the Earth dies. So. Can we do that tomorrow?

Thursday, February 11, 2021

2.11.21 - Joy status: upcoming Valentine's party, potential childcare help

Not one of my children woke me up last night. I feel so rested. One of our managers gave me a sweater that was too big for her and it is incredibly soft and cozy and I'm wearing it to work today. I went ahead and posted a job through and I've had a lot of applications in my price range, so I'm hopeful Jack and I will start being able to go on dates again soon. My manager put me in charge of updating our company's website, and I'm enjoying the project. Finally, we are having a tiny Valentine's party for the kids on Sunday. My only specific idea was to make heart-shaped cookies, but their grandparents also sent them Valentine's gifts so they will have some things to open too. I think it's going to be a lot of fun.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

2.10.21 - Mom is a great RN

My mom, an RN, began hospice work last year. She is really well suited to this kind of work. She's kind, attentive, and communicative, and she's taking good care of people in a difficult part of their lives (and their families' lives). The joy is that I'm so proud of her.

Monday, February 8, 2021

2.8.21 - Joy status: Dollar Tree

The Dollar Tree. I got a bunch of stuff there to have a little Valentine's party with the kids next weekend and it cost me almost nothing.