Friday, March 19, 2021

3.19.21 - Parenting is amazing.

 A couple days ago I saw this video and actually teared up:

The video makes me think about how it feels to be a mom, how much we love our children and want the best for them, and how hard it is to articulate those feelings to anyone who has never been a parent. It just changes your entire life. It changes you, it makes you grow and love in ways you didn't know were possible.

Since watching the video I've had the song in my head all week. I've been listening to it at work and humming it to myself at home. In fact the other night after the kids were in bed I was humming it in the shower. I heard Clara pitter patter in to use the bathroom but pretended not to notice. I was still humming to myself when

Clara: Mom? Are you

Me: Yeah?

Clara: Are you taking a shower?

Me: Yeah.

Clara: Oh. I'm just using the potty.

Me: Okay babe. *continues humming*

Clara: Mom?

Me: Yeah?

Clara: You're making beautiful music! It makes me so happy to listen to it.

Me: Oh, thank you!

And then she went back to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I love how Clara is so in touch with her feelings and articulates them like a boss. <3
