Saturday, March 27, 2021

3.27.21 - Kid snippets: kids pretending to be puppies

About once a day, Jane lies on the ground, covers herself with a blanket, and asks me to "open the present." When I remove the blanket, she pops up saying "woof woof woof!" I say "Are you a puppy??" and she nods vigorously and sticks her tongue in and out. She's been doing this for weeks, maybe months.

This morning Calvin came up to me covered in his blanket yelling "Mama!" When I took the blanket off, he uncertainly stuck his tongue out and grinned. I said "Oh! Are you a puppy?" and he yelled "Yeah!" Then he crawled around a bit and repeated the process. As a big bonus, my still-not-speaking little guy announced "I-uh pup-puh!" I'm pretty sure this is his first attempt at a sentence.

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