Tuesday, March 23, 2021

3.23.21 - Kid snippets: Clara's subtle plotting

Tonight I came home from work with a bunch of Easter coloring pages. Clara started coloring one right away, but unfortunately for her when I come home it's also time for bed. (The coloring pages are meant to be for tomorrow.) As I read them stories and got them in bed, Clara kept talking about how she will get up as soon as the sun comes up and finish her Easter coloring page. Then as I was leaving the nursery:

Clara: Hey Mom?
Me: Yeah?
Clara: Are you going in your room to rest?
Me: Yeah.
Clara: And is Dad going to rest too?
Me: I don't know, maybe.
Clara: But is he going in your room too?
Me: He might hang out in the living room for awhile.
Clara: Maybe he can hang out on your bed.
Me: Maybe, I don't know. I'm going to bed though, I'm tired.
Clara: And can you shut the door?
Me: Sure *starting to close the nursery door*
Clara: No no, can you shut *your* bedroom door?
Me: Uh, no.
Clara: Hmm.

With all the subtlety of a 6 year old, she's plotting how to finish her coloring page ASAP.

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