Friday, January 17, 2020

1.17.20 - Waking up slowly with Jane

This morning I woke up while everyone else was still asleep. They were all still asleep while I showered and got dressed. They were all still asleep while I caught up on some emails. It was so peaceful.

I decided to go start waking the girls up. I opened the door and turned on the smaller lamp, and as usual, Clara stayed fast asleep and Jane popped up immediately. I knelt next to her lower bunk bed.

Jane: Mama, where moon go?
Me: It's behind the world, honey.
Jane: No, Mama. Moon behi' sun.
Me: It's behind the sun?
Jane: Yeah.
Me: Okay

I had my arms resting on her bed and she lay her head on one of them and for a long time I just rubbed her back and arms while she cuddled me. Eventually I told her I was going to use the bathroom and I'd be right back, and she said "No, Mama. Mama lie down." "You want me to lay in bed with you?" "Yeah." "Okay."

So I crawled into her bed (I've never done that before, actually) and cuddled next to her and kept stroking her hair. I thought about how the room looks from her bed (and thus often her perspective) and thought about how rooms looked in my childhood when I had the bottom bunk. We have a Little Mermaid poster on the opposite wall from the bunk bed. I started humming "Part of your world."

Jane: TOP!
Me: What? You want me to talk?
Jane: Top, Mama! No singing!
Me, trying not to laugh: Okay.

We cuddled like that for awhile longer before she was ready to get up and play with her fake food, and even at that point, the rest of the family was still asleep. It was some treasured one-on-one time.

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