Monday, January 6, 2020

1.6.20 - Kid snippets: Clara goes back to school

Today is Clara's first day back at school after being off for a couple weeks for the holidays. We got her ready as usual and then I stayed home with Jane and Calvin while Jack dropped her off, but unlike the normal routine, about 15 minutes later I got a video call from Jack. I answered and Clara was sitting in our car clearly nervous. She said she couldn't go to school because she needed to see her mom. I talked to her for a few moments about how she's going to get to play on the playground and ride the double seated bike, and she started grinning. She seemed okay when we disconnected.

I know it won't be long before I won't be able to help her so simply and quickly but I really enjoyed being able to do so this morning.

Later that day coloring a Dumbo coloring page

Jane is fussing because she stepped on something that stuck to her foot. Jack: "Oh, did you step on something?? Welcome to MY world! Do you know how many things I step on on a *daily basis* that shouldn't be there?

From two days earlier - Jane dancing with Baby Rose

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