Thursday, January 9, 2020

1.9.20 - Kid snippets: Clara loves me

Last night Jack was reading bedtime stories to the girls in the nursery, and I was feeding Calvin in my room with the door shut. I heard Clara leave the nursery, telling Jack "I'm gonna go see Mom." Then she very tentatively opened my bedroom door. I said "Hi babe, what'cha doing?" She said "I had to come find you." Then she crawled onto the bed with Calvin and me, sat up on her knees, stared at me for a second, and said, "Mom, I love you." It's very rare for her to tell me that without me initiating it, and I just wanted to write it here so I get to keep remembering the moment, because I freaking love being a mom.

Me holding Clara in 2015, 2016, and 2020.

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