Wednesday, April 4, 2018

4.4.18 - Robot game

Yesterday was the first time this year that I dressed Clara in shorts. Our potential new backup babysitter, Nicole, took Clara for a walk around the apartment complex, and Clara tripped and scraped her knees. It wasn't too bad but it's never happened to her before and she was pretty hard to console. She couldn't stop pointing to her knees and saying "This!" while crying, so I switched her to pants so she couldn't see it. Then I gave her a cookie and let her watch videos; she sat in Nicole's lap while Nicole stroked her hair, and she did calm down. Kind of reminds me of The Giver the first time the main character feels any form of pain (a sunburn) and it's a totally new sensation. I mean it's not as if Clara has never gotten hurt before but this was the first knee scrape, so in her 3-year-old world that's a big deal. Kind of bittersweet.

Last night was also the first time Clara started to understand the robot game. Basically she sits in my lap and touches my thumb, and I make robot noises as my arms close in around her and squeeze her a few times and then open back up. I've gotten her this far before--where she makes the connection between touching my thumb and getting squeezed--but last night I also built it up to three different options: thumb = squeeze, pointer finger = tickle, middle finger = bop Jane's nose. They were both delighted. Clara sat in my lap and Jane stood on the floor holding onto my knees and just cooing and grunting and laughing and bouncing up and down the whole time. They were both so excited, haha.

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