Monday, April 23, 2018

4.23.18 - Meeting Clara photobook

Recently Clara found the book "Where the Wild Things Are" on one of our shelves and brought it to me to read to her. I love how she is choosing books she doesn't already know and wants to explore. She's also very interested in the "Meeting Clara" photobook on my dresser. She can reach it herself, takes it down and goes through every page pointing out Jack ("Dada") and me ("Mama") as well as her blanket and butterfly mobile and other familiar sights. Today she also noticed the other photobooks so I showed her the one from our wedding and she clearly enjoyed looking through it at so many people she recognizes. And I enjoyed watching my baby girl look at pictures from her parents' wedding. I remember looking at my parents' wedding photobook as a child, and it's interesting to be on the other side of that now, watching my kid look at pictures from such an important event that influences her life but happened before she was born. Anyway it was sweet.

Jane has started standing up, letting go of whatever she's holding onto, and balancing for multiple seconds at a time. She usually looks to me or Jack grinning, so proud of herself. I love it.

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