Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3.16.16 - Rough start turned around

For reasons I won't get into (because this is the Joy Inventory), my day was pretty stressful through the morning. I was feeling downright dejected by the time I posted this:

And you know what? The responses really did help. I would check back every 45 mins or so and see a few more, and getting a glimpse into the little happy moments in everyone's lives, just imagining them all over the country thinking about what makes them happy, really did make me happy. I was much comforted.

Responses included cute or funny pictures of pets and friends, as well as these:

Ellen:I'm on spring break and it's sooooo nice. I made lots of delicious food, cleaning my apt foreal, and Bryon and I are gonna see The Witch today which I'm excited about. 

Lisa: I recently bought several storage items, and several times this morning I've had the joy of picking up an item and thinking, "I have somewhere to put you!"

Mom: I'm really enjoying my little bird feeder that I hung in the Japanese maple tree just outside my home office window. Or I guess I should say I'm enjoying seeing the little finches and occasional cardinal. Oh, and I love, love, love videos of Clara Lynn!

Anthony: Leftover pizza, coffee with a friend with open minded conversation, read an awesome SPL article.

Evelyn: It is a rare day of NO RAIN in the west and I am on my way to Galway for St. Patrick's day.

Rebecca: Moving out of our apartment and having my husband home two extra days.

Whitney: Hot coffee on the morning on the train. Golden retriever temper tantrums. Annoying, but the cutest thing ever. Bandit lied down when I was trying to take him home after the dog park, so I laid down with him and we had a mini play and snuggle fest.

Adam: I recently ordered Dragonball Z T-shirts, right now I am at work mapping train tracks while drinking sea salt caramel coffee.

Jennifer B: Sleeping in :)

Jennifer L: Sharing a bacon spud and orange cranberry club with my nephew at mccalisters then off to enjoy the warm weather

Erin: I got some good adult things done in the past few days, like taxes (and getting money back!), renewing my drivers license, and applying for Heath care. Yay productivity!

Nick: My mom is making me a home cooked meal tonight. Tutoring kids to get into the Marines. Visiting my little brother. Gonna see some good friends tomorrow 
smile emoticon

Mishy: Two residents told me I was their favourite aide today.

Everett: Rolled down windows on a nice day with Animal Style by Jackal blaring from my speakers.

Dan: Working at the farm today. No burning text books but still a great day to be outside working the land.

Aaron: I had a lot of fun in my Ochem lab last week when a kid sprayed my back with a product we were developing. I smelled the shirt today and it STILL smells like isopentyl acetate. That's right, it smells like banana laffy taffy.

Julie: I got to visit the Japanese Garden at MOBot today (my happy place) with my lovely little family today.

PS - Other joys today included Pieology date with Jack (proud to be on a date with a guy in scrubs, haha) and learning how to use IF function in Excel. Actually I wrote this whole function myself and it worked! 

=IF(AQ298<20,"<20",IF(AQ298<=29,"20s",IF(AQ298<=39,"30s",IF(AQ298<=49,"40s",IF(AQ298<=59,"50s",IF(AQ298<=89,"60s-80s",IF(AQ298<99,"90+",IF(AQ298="Unknown","Unknown",IF(AQ298="20s","20s",IF(AQ298="30s","30s",IF(AQ298="40s","40s",IF(AQ298="50s","50s","double check"))))))))))))

Neil was proud of me.

Oh, and I got to Skype with Mom tonight and she was laughing a lot at Clara and she got this great shot of Ms. Goofball clapping my hands.

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