Sunday, March 13, 2016

3.13.16 - talking about progress

Monica: we have started a tradition of getting lunch together on Wednesdays
Monica: our schedules just work out that way
Monica: we go to a cheap pizza place
Monica: anyway
Monica: last week he met me at the crime lab and we drove over together
Monica: and I was watching him get soda in his scrubs and I just had this moment of excitement and happiness
Monica: because he's really doing it--nursing school, and I have a pretty good internship
Sarah:  that's awesome!
Monica: and even though we're swamped and money is always tight, we are really in a very progressive phase
Monica: I love that
Sarah: yeah indeed!  you are both killing it career wise!
Monica: feels good to feel like you're moving toward something
Monica: yeah :)
Monica: I mean there's always more - I want to be with Clara more and I want to get started on a 2nd kid

Monica: but we're doing everything we can with what we've got, there's some satisfaction in that

Jack in scrubs.

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