Thursday, December 24, 2020

12.24.20 - Christmas Eve kid snippets

Clara: We need to get a kitty
Me: We are not getting a kitty
Clara: But Mom! People need kitties!

Clara made a small mistake on her drawing. She muttered in frustration "This is freaking embarrassing!"

Clara wanted to put more ornaments on the tree. We have a bunch but no hooks, so I told her we have to put string on them to hang them up. She was fine with it but then she wanted to be a puppy. She would not respond to me if I said "Clara"; I had to say "puppy." Also she was trying to manipulate the ornaments only with her mouth. So it became a more long-term project.

Earlier today Clara used the bathroom, and when I asked her whether she had washed her hands she said she had when I knew she hadn't. So she got in trouble for lying and there were some tears (hers, not mine). Just now she used the bathroom and I asked her whether she had washed her hands.
Me: Okay, go wash your hands.
Clara: Okay. AND I'm not lying!!

She has also recently been having a problem with yelling when she's angry. We are working on using her words better. But just now:
Clara (yelling): WHERE are the PENCILS?
Me: They're right here on the counter. What did we say about yelling?
Clara (calm): I'm not yelling. I'm just shouting.

Jack took the girls to get Christmas presents for me.
Clara: Can you tell me something Mommy likes?
Jack: Mommy likes…you.
Clara: Noooo! I don't want to be inside a present!

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