Friday, December 11, 2020

12.11.20 - Kid snippets - Clara's diplomacy skills

Don & Merlene sent us a Little People nativity set and all the kids are excited to play with it. Clara got it all set up but Calvin kept trying to take pieces off the table. Clara would yell at him, and then I'd remind her she has to share and to give him some pieces, which she did--very begrudgingly.

At one point when Clara wasn't watching, Calvin scattered several pieces across the living room. Clara commanded Jane to retrieve each piece, and Jane was content to be part of the action. But once they had the whole set together again:

Clara: Okay, Jane, you can go play something else if you want.
Jane: But I want to play with you.
Me: *glares at Clara*
Clara: ...Oh sure...but if you *want* to play something else...just let me know!
Jane: Okay!
Clara: How about if I play with this and you watch me?
Jane: Okay!

Clara's diplomacy skills are slowly improving.

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