Saturday, March 7, 2015

3.7.15 - Baby Support

So many things I'm grateful for and I wish I had more time to write!

We came home yesterday and since then Ellen has been going grocery shopping and making us meals. Last night she made bowtie pasta with broccoli and bacon, and tonight she made chicken Caesar salad. It's really nice to have someone taking care of that. She also cleans up as she goes, and generally is available for odds and ends.

Ellen and football Clara.

Today my friends Janice and Erin came over. They contacted me in advance to ask if I wanted any food, and I told them anything I can grab and eat in the night without prepping would be helpful. I thought they'd bring maybe a box of crackers or something. Instead they showed up with tons of snacks: chex mix, dried fruit, yogurt, grapes, protein bars, all sorts. They also brought me flowers. :) When they walked in the front door, Janice had the flowers behind her back and said "Wait, oh what's this?" as she pulled the out. It was cheesy and funny. They also got themselves sandwiches and brought me a roast beef sandwich. Just super generous and sweet.

They hung out for a couple hours and completely fawned over Clara--over her ears and nose and hair and little sighs and everything, took pics and some video. It was really awesome.

I've also had a few FB friends ask me for my address so they could send me mysterious gifts, another sweet thing.

I'm really looking forward to Mom coming out next week to help with everything. I usually only see her in the summer and at Christmas, so a bonus visit is awesome.

And of course Clara brings me joy. I love taking naps with her (her sleeping on my chest). Even though I wish breastfeeding was going better, I love the faces she makes as I try to get her to do it. She's hilarious--she can look so nonplussed and it cracks me up. Also, at one point last night I was trying to feed her and she was starting to cry, and I squirted some milk in her mouth and then she gave her first unambiguous big smile. It was totally delightful. I really wish I had a picture of it! And I adore her eyes--so big and a deep blue. I know they will probably darken over time but I love the way they are right now.

But above all, I am so grateful for Jack. He has been very attentive this whole week, and it hasn't lessened since we got home from the hospital. He reminds me about taking my medications. He grabs me things I need to prep for breastfeeding or pumping. If I'm breastfeeding he often sits beside me and encourages Clara (and me), which really helps. Today he took care of a whole bunch of logistical things--getting Clara enrolled in insurance, finding out where we need to return some items, arranging to get his own sleep apnea machine, unpacking our hospital bag, doing laundry, and all the while staying on diaper and swaddling duty. He frees me up to feed her and take naps with her and just take it easy. And he does all of it with enthusiasm. He clearly loves being a husband and dad and loves doing husband and dad-type of duties. I'm really amazed (again) at what a fantastic partner I've landed in him.

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