Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3.17.15 - Mom's Visit

Mom came out a week ago and left today. She was such a huge help. She made a lot of meals (pot roast, French toast, spinach sausage loaf, chicken Parmesan), cleaned a ton of stuff (including deep cleaning things like the pictures in the kitchen), and gave us a lot of tips on taking care of Clara. She got up in the middle of the night a couple times to take over when Jack and I were especially tired. She was there to help us two days ago when Clara had a terrifying choking episode, and she was there to take care of me (watch Clara, make breakfast, and so on while I rested) after Jack and I got back from the ER. She has been very encouraging, reassuring me that we will get a rhythm for this and figure it all out. And she loved spending time with Clara - gave Clara plenty of attention talking to her and singing to her when Jack and I were too tired or busy. It was really so wonderful to have Mom here to help us adjust to baby life.

Mom says holding Clara is like holding baby me all over again. <3

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