Thursday, November 28, 2019

11.28.19 - Thanksgiving day Kid Snippets

Jane and Clara are pushing/pulling Calvin's rocking chair to bring him into my room, but it gets stuck.
Jane (2.5 years old): Dammit!
Me: Um, no, can you say "darn it"?
Clara: Darn it!
Me: Good job.
Jane: No! DAMMIT!

Calvin was happily cuddling a burp cloth.
Clara: Mom, we gotta get this blanket so he can see us.
Me: No, leave him alone. He's cuddling the blanket. He can still see you.
Clara: Calvin, can you share? [pauses, uses a different voice] "Yes!" [back to her normal voice] Mom, Calvin says he can share!

I made the mashed potatoes and asked Clara if she wanted to try some. She looked at my mashed potato-covered finger uncertainly, took the tiniest of licks, raised both eyebrows and said "Yum!" and then ate the rest eagerly.

Clara liked how her plate separated the food.

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