Monday, November 25, 2019

11.25.19 - (Early) Thanksgiving in Colorado

The travel day was not bad at all. Calvin slept on the way to SMF and we made it through security no problem. At the gate he hung out with me watching out the window while I messed on my phone. Once we boarded Neil and Emily were already on the flight because they very graciously left Portland early so they could help me with him from SMF to DEN.
Emily slept most of the flight and Neil and I visited and did crosswords together. He helped me a lot by holding various items while I adjusted Calvin. It makes a big difference. Once we landed they helped watch my stroller and things while I changed Calvin and got readjusted. We met up with Everett, then Henry, and all drove back to COS together chatting happily and driving carefully because it was snowy. Calvin slept the whole way. What a good traveler.
It was great to get to Tejon and not be concerned about gluten. Matt made a bunch of pizzas in the brick oven and we enjoyed those with some wine. Miss Kristin took Calvin and we all went to early karaoke (we arrived about 7pm). It was also great to go out and know that I wouldn't have to wake up, move, and try to get back down two toddlers at the end of the night. Getting a little baby to go back to sleep is a bit easier. So I really enjoyed the karaoke night. I just had a few Angry Orchard's and tried a few new karaoke songs (some worked (Ruby Baby) and some didn't (Written in the Sand), but it was good to try), and just generally enjoyed myself.
Afterward, we all traipsed to the Air BnB. Actually we drove because it was pretty cold out, but the place is so close by (half a block) that we probably could've walked just as easily. The Air BnB was adorable - a little cottage with a cozy bedroom downstairs and several more beds in the A-frame attic. We set up the pack and play in the downstairs bedroom and Calvin and I slept there peacefully. And because it was just me, there was plenty of space to bring Calvin in bed through the night and nurse him while half sleeping, which is something I always really enjoyed with Jane and was glad to get a chance to do with Calvin for once. In fact in general it was great to get to spend so much time with Calvin, just the two of us. Now that I'm back at the lab I don't see him as much during normal weeks and it was good to get lots of cuddles in. It doesn't hurt that he's mostly very easy and cheerful and everyone else also enjoys seeing him.
It was great to stay at an Air BnB so close, because I could just walk Calvin and me back and forth whenever I needed to without impacting anyone else's schedule or needing to borrow a vehicle.

[This as far as I was able to write at the time, the rest are just my quick notes.]

--Our Air Bnb is adorable and cozy, with plenty of space for Calvin and me to have our own room. Plus it's less than a block from Dad's house, so we can just walk back and forth.
--Emily took Calvin so I could take a much needed nap. I slept peacefully on Dad's huge bed for probably 1.5-2 hours and the other adults just took care of Calvin, feeding him and keeping him busy. It made a huge difference in the overall day.
--It was the most relaxed Thanksgiving day we've had, probably because there were fewer people, especially children, and because Matt did all the cooking so Dad wasn't stressing about it.
--And so of course the food was especially amazing, including bacon wrapped turkey stuffed with rum-soaked fruit or something.
--Calvin fell asleep right before it was time to eat dinner so I got to eat the whole dinner in peace. In fact I specifically remember sipping lavender wine (weird but delicious) and telling the room in general that I was in such a good freaking mood because I felt well-rested and was about to eat an amazing meal and Calvin was being very easy and I got to hang out with everyone.
--Then I got to sit on the couch and cuddle and play with Calvin while most of the other adults cleaned up the mess of a kitchen.
--Everett took Calvin so I could play the Paper Game, and I got through almost the entire game before needing to tend to him. When it was time to read our cards and I was taking care of Calvin, Rocket was very happy to read my cards for me, which was sweet.
--Henry went ahead of me to the Air Bnb to set up the pack and play, so when we got home I was able to sing to Calvin to calm him enough to nurse him lying down (my favorite, and something I've really enjoyed on this trip) and then put him to bed.
--Then I got a good 2.5 hours sleep before I needed to pump again, which is when I took the chance to write all this out real quick. And of course then go back to sleep.
--We made no plans for Sunday so we were able to lounge and play games and pivot at our leisure.
--I got to play a game of Catan while Emily and Henry kept Calvin busy/happy.
--I laughed a lot at how one-sided the game was and, actually, how good Rocket was and how he kept accidentally trash talking.
--I enjoyed Thanksgiving leftovers all day, especially cheesy potatoes.
--I got to visit with Ellen for awhile. I don't get to talk to her as much anymore because she's so busy with residency so it was good to chat one-on-one while we unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher.
--We rewatched all of Dad's 60th Birthday video and then decided to watch the 50th one as well.
--I got to play two games of Quiplash while Calvin leaned against Emily and happily hung out with everyone. I laughed very, very hard, especially when Everett answered "What should the next Lucky Charms marshmallow be?" with "Hot sog mmmm burger meat so good marshmellow." Seriously. Laughed until I cried.
It was such a fun and relaxing trip.

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