Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5.16.18 - People arriving for Jack's graduation

I worked all day Wednesday rushing to get as much done as possible on the teach-in slide deck before guests started arriving for the weekend. Dad was absent from the office all day either trying to get slides organized or catching up on desperately needed sleep. I kept the crew running in his absense so we would still be moving forward. Jack was running around finishing up some end-of-semester odds and ends, so I picked up the girls too. Don & Merlene had arrived in town such that they would either already be at our apartment when I got back with the girls or they would arrive very shortly after. As I drove the girls home from the meetup spot, Clara and I had the following conversation:

Me: Are we going to go see Dada?
Clara: Go see Dada!
M: Aaaaaaand....we're going to go see Mimi!
C: Mimi...?
M: And we're going to go see Gpa!
C: Gpa!
M: Yeah!
C: Effweet!
M: What?
C: Go see Effweet!
M: Oh,, hon, no Everett. But Mimi!
C: Mimi!!

She is very interested in Everett, lately, haha.

Anyway, sure enough not five minutes after we got home Don and Merlene came in. Jane was very unsure about them and wanted to stay with me, but Clara was delighted and kept hopping back and forth across the living room with all her extra energy from how excited she was. I made us bacon spinach pasta for dinner and we all enjoyed some visiting time.

Julie was also set to arrive that night, but her flight out of St. Louis was so delayed we weren't sure if she'd make it out of Phoenix (her connection) in time to arrive that night. I was nervous because the main reason Julie was joining us was to help confer Jack's nursing pin to him at a ceremony early the next afternoon, and if she got stuck in Phoenix that might mess things up. I checked her flight tracker compulsively throughout the evening but happily she made it. Her flight out of Phoenix was also delayed so she didn't arrive in Sacramento until 1 am. I decided to go to bed at roughly my typical time (10:30p ish) and then just set my alarm to get up in time to go get her. (That was definitely the right decision, in retrospect, because this whole weekend has been very busy and I haven't gotten a ton of sleep).

I listened to my Indie playlist driving with zero traffic in the middle of the night to the airport. It was pretty peaceful. I parked right outside Departures and apart from one other car doing the same, there was no one around at all. Definitely no one to tell me I couldn't park there and had to circle. I watched the shuttle train head from the terminal to the gates empty and return full and I tried to see if I could spot Julie but it was too far away. Wasn't long at all before she found me and we headed home, mostly talking about work. I dropped her at her hotel, went home, and passed out.

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