Tuesday, October 3, 2017

10.3.17 - Life is not bad right now.

The last couple days Clara has been watching videos from the Youtube channel "Super Simple Songs." She really loves them, and she dances and sings along and it just melts my heart.

Jane goes through brief phases of cooing and making noises to herself for 10 minutes or so. As I type this she is laying in her crib in the dark just cooing and cooing. I'm hoping she goes straight from that to sleep and skips any crying in between, but we'll see.

I'm totally beat because I stayed up too late last night trying to help Dad finish a PowerPoint presentation for a teach-in he's doing tomorrow. We couldn't get it done but luckily we had more time today. I'm grateful for so many billable hours and I'm happy he seems to like my work. Compliments are pretty rare from him so when he gives them they mean more (and he thanked me more than once today), plus I spoke on the phone earlier with Jill and she mentioned he's been talking about what a good job I'm doing. So that's pretty encouraging.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Yesterday was Jack's birthday but I just worked all day and it was kind of sucky, but tomorrow we are actually going out. We've managed only about one date a month since Jane was born, so dates are more precious anyway, plus we are going to the movies! I love movie theaters, especially the one closest to us that has the big reclining seats. And I'm not calorie counting, so you better believe there will be buttery popcorn. Can't wait.

This is a great time of year in general. The weather is finally cooling down (i.e. highs in the low 80s. Oh, Sacramento.) People are starting to prep for Halloween. In fact Beth and I are planning a pumpkin patch outing for the kiddos, and both her parents and Don & Merlene will be in town to go with us, so that should be fun.

I'd like to write more but I'm too exhausted. Suffice to say life is not bad right now.

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