Saturday, May 6, 2017

5.6.17 - Baby "Sprinkle" (mini baby shower)

Erin has asked me more than once over the last few months whether I'd have a baby shower for Jane. I never planned on it because to my mind baby showers are mostly just for the first baby when you don't already own a lot of the supplies you need. Since having Clara we've vastly expanded our baby/toddler supplies to where another baby shower seems, I don't know, maybe greedy? I considered doing a "shower" that was just diapers and wipes (also Erin's suggestion, I think) but I've been too preoccupied to set it up, and I forgot about it.

So today (39 weeks and 2 days) Erin came over for a visit, and she brought with her:

1. A big box of ultra sensitive baby wipes
2. A box of 132 newborn sized diapers.
3. A bottle of some kind of fancy sparkling fruit juice, and
4. A wrapped gift with three white balloons and one "It's a Baby Girl!" balloon attached.

She said it was my mini baby shower just with her. I thought it was absolutely the sweetest most thoughtful gesture. We each had a glass of the fruit juice (after a "cheers!") and Clara really loved the balloons. She's seen balloons in grocery stores and things but I don't think she's ever had a chance to play with helium balloons before. They kept her busy for a very long time. They also made her hair very static-y, which was funny.

The wrapped gift was actually for Clara - several bath sponges decorated like bunnies and some bath-friendly books. Very thoughtful, given Clara has been having a hard time with baths and new distractions help.

So that was definitely the highlight of my day, but the rest of the visit with Erin was lovely too. She told me all about her bridal shower and showed me the scrapbook her mom and maid of honor put together. She also had pics and videos on her phone to show me. It looked like it was a lot of fun. I worked on (finally) my spring 2015 scrapbook while we visited and she made a very cute sign for one of her wedding crafts - a "honey pot" for donations since they aren't asking for gifts.

It was also nice working on the spring 2015 scrapbook, because that's when Clara was born and brand new, and it helps remind me of what we're about to get into - both the difficulties but also the cuteness and newness. Gotta say I'm also looking forward to having so many people come cook for us. Even when I'm not pregnant I don't cook that often, and Merlene, Mom, and Jill (and really also Don and Dad) are all great cooks. And given how much calorie counting I've been doing throughout this pregnancy, I think it will seem especially delicious!

The main point, though, is that Erin is a wonderful friend. <3

1 comment:

  1. Clara looks like she cannot possibly contain all her excitement, it's forcing it's way out of her mouth! -JARSW
