Friday, May 5, 2017

5.5.17 - Pre-Jane date night

Clara spent the night at Beth's so Jack and I could go see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. I've been looking forward to this movie for months, pretty much since the trailer came out. Originally when we were going to have a c-section with Jane, it would have been the day before the movie came out and I'd have to wait until I was recovered and we had someone we trusted to watch Jane. But since I'm aiming for VBAC and I'm not due until next week, I decided it was worth the risk to buy tickets in advance for this movie.

So Jack and I went to the local theater, the one that has recently been wholly remodeled, the one that has cushioned chairs that recline and have footrests and are so large and cozy. We went to Walgreens first and bought four boxes of Raisinets for $4 and hid them in my purse. We walked in and scanned my phone at some kiosk that printed out our tickets (the future!) and then we bought a gigantic Diet Coke. Jack put no ice in it because he knows I like it that way (it's the little things).

Usually the commercials and ads for TV they show before the previews are underwhelming, and many of them were last night. However I did really enjoy this commercial from Samsung. I thought it was cute, humorous, and also a little poignant.

We went to our reserved seats and it was actually a little chilly, so Jack ran out and got his sweatshirt from the car for me. Another sweet gesture. We also drank all of our giant Diet Coke and he went to get a refill before the movie started.

It's the first time in awhile I've been to a movie on a Friday night, much less a new and very popular movie. The theater was pretty full and people were clearly excited - even a little bit of applause when the movie started.

And it was very enjoyable! Like many Marvel movies, the plot was "meh," but it made me laugh out loud plenty of times. I enjoy the characters.

And the seats in the theater are so comfortable - it's especially nice to be able to put my feet up at the end of the pregnancy here when they keep getting swollen by the end of the day.

After we came home Jack took a post-39-week photo or two of me for posterity. I made the face on the left, which made him laugh, which made me laugh, which is the face on the right.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor

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