Saturday, January 23, 2021

1.23.21 - Kid snippets: January songs and Jane pews the wall

Clara woke up and said she's not feeling well. We have a playdate today and I asked her if I should tell them not to come over. She told me that she will be feeling better at 11:23 a.m. She even got out her toy clock to show me what time she was referencing.

Jane asked to play "Text Me Merry Christmas." I did but I know Clara doesn't like it when we play holiday songs outside of their seasons. Sure enough Clara came up to me and very quietly asked if we could play a January song. I searched the word "January" on Spotify and found "January Wedding" by the Avett Brothers. It's a very laid-back, sweet sounding song. Clara started slowly dancing to it in the living room. When the singer actually sang the word "January," Clara turned to me with a huge open mouth grin.

And now Jane is sitting on the top bunk holding a long stick and pretending it's a gun. She keeps saying "Pew pew!" as a sound effect but also as a verb, as in "I pewed the kitty!" when she pretends to shoot her stuffed cat. She's narrating her pretend play to herself, and I am trying not to laugh so I don't distract her. I hear "Yeah now he's dying! Because! I'm a super hero. To the rescue! ... Just kidding he's fine. Pew! I pew the wall!"

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