Friday, December 6, 2019

12.6.19 - Kid snippets: early morning cuddles

This morning both Calvin and Jane woke up pretty early. Jack had already gone into work so I brought the kids into my room to hang out. I sat up with Calvin in my lap and Jane lying next to me, and I read them a truncated version of Polar Express and a highly truncated version of Fair's Fair (a Christmas book from when I was a kid). Then Jane asked me to lay Calvin down on the bed, so I did and she and I lay on either side of him. She just kept giving him kisses on his cheek and head and he just hung out, waving his arms and legs around and cooing at us.

Jane also wanted to use my phone to try to take pictures--something she's been way into lately and is actually getting slightly better at (at least some of her pictures are of people and not just of her forehead or feet. At one point this convo happened:

Jane: Mama I wah talking.
Me: You want to talk on the phone?
Jane: yeah
Me: okay
*Jane lifts my phone near her face.*
Jane: Hewwo? Hi. I good. Dis is Mama ah dis is Cahbih (Calvin). Cahbih ee happy. A-kay bye.

I love how cute Jane looks in her footie single piece pajamas with her curly bedhead. I feel like the era of them as little kids is just flying by and I'm trying to soak in as much of it as possible while I can.

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